Thursday, November 30, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective

This is certainly different
The Top 25 polls change throughout the season but not in this radical a manner.  Arizona dropped from the number two team in the nation right into the basement.  Three losses in a row will do that for the now unranked Wildcats.  The season is still young, and the Wildcats certainly have time to turn their season around however this is an unusual development.  A team many expected to be a contender for an NCAA Championship has stumbled out of the starting blocks. 

Did you feel it?
That was the earth moving, Stephen A. Smith and I are in accord on an issue.  For reasons totally, unknown Smith was asked this question by Sage Steele on SportsCenter this past Monday.  “Will Ben Simmons eclipse LeBron James in championship titles?”  The words you are reading are mine although Smith’s response was somewhat similar. 

Simmons has played less than a half a season in the NBA, I don’t believe anyone would dispute the potential of Simmons, however he needs to lead his Sixer team into the playoffs before we can begin this discussion.  The prospect of a championship or multiple ones is real however I believe it might be advisable to wait just a little while longer. I hope this was not a “trap” question set up for Smith, if it was the writer or writers are incredibly stupid.     

He’s gone
I don’t know much about David Fizdale’s coaching ability except he’s got no job.  The Grizzlies started the season 7-12 and management figured it was time to make a move.  Fizdale was fired on Monday and J.B. Bickerstaff has been named interim coach.  Yahoo.NBA indicates Fitzdale’s coached the Grizzlies for a grand total of 101 games, that’s one full season plus 19 games.  Sure, doesn’t appear to be enough time to place your stamp on a team.  It’s likely Fitzdale had only ONE training camp to implement his system. 

He started the season on fire

On many occasions, we discuss those players who are ready.  They arrive in college or the NBA ready to play at a high skill level.  In this instance the discussion centers on Duke’s Marvin Bagley III.  He’s played five games as this is written and he’s been double-double in all except one.  Bagley’s had a high game total of 34 points registered in one game in addition he’s snatched down 15 rebounds in three of the games.  It will be interesting to see how the balance of his freshman season progresses. 

Moral victory
Mizzou lost a tough game 84-79 in the AdvoCare Invitational facing a tough veteran West Virginia.  After Mizzou secured a lead the pressing defense of West Virginia forced Mizzou into several critical turnovers eventually leading to their victory.  Mizzou won a moral victory with their youthful team with no senior playing major minutes.  

All I can say is @#4%!!*, how do you win by losing has been my question for years. I don’t know about you, but I’d heard the term “moral victory” since I was in my teens.  You either win the game or lose it you cannot in good conscience state something like that exists.  Are there teaching moments for a coach and his team during games…..of course there are.  Simply stated again once again you never win by losing.