Thursday, November 16, 2017

Your call
The UCLA Three arrived home last night, a press conference was held, and the athletes apologized but took no questions from them media.  These athletes represent the nation, the NCAA and UCLA, what’s the appropriate punishment?  I know for a fact at one-point financial aid packages for a school contained “code of conduct”, the code might vary based on the institution and its affiliation.  I would tend to believe an institution connected with a church might differ from a state supported university. 

A charge connected with criminal activity might be serious enough for a scholarship to be revoked, I would be surprised, no shocked if this is the final judgment rendered for the trio which might be considered too severe.  At the same time, I believe they should suffer some sort of punishment.  The trio has been suspended from the team for an unspecified period.  How long a time-period is the suspension to last, is it 5, 10 or 20 games?  What do you believe the appropriate punishment should be? 

He’s difficult to define
I checked the 1995 NBA draft, Patrick Beverly wasn’t the last player chosen there are others, for instance the Spurs Patty Mills was drafted at 55.  Beverly was the 4nd player picked in the second round of that year’s draft.  He was drafted by my Lakers and from that point on his NBA basketball career appeared to be stalled, he played in the Ukraine, Greece and Russia before finally securing a position with the Houston Rockets. 

He’s become a nemesis to opposing guards on defense (ask Lonzo Ball).  Last season as a member of the Rockets Beverly was selected NBA Defensive First Team, no wonder at the time Chris Paul wanted out the Clippers wanted Beverly.  His scoring average has risen this season with the Clippers however that’s not his strong suit, the term fans love to yell AT games DEFENSE, DEFENSE.  It’s been stated for many years you must follow your dreams, Beverley’s done it in spades.     

No basketball played here
Pittsburgh has a rich NFL and MLB tradition; the Steelers and Pirates have a long and storied history in the metro.  The NHL Penguins are late arrivals only dating back to 1967 what about the basketball?  The city is home to Pitt and Duquesne both Division I basketball programs as for pro basketball that’s been a tale of misfortune.  The city had a team in what was to become the NBA, the Pittsburgh Ironmen were a charter member of the Basketball Association of America.  The team only lasted one season, date of birth 1946 date of death 1947.  I could locate no information related to the teams’ failure.  The succeeding years would see franchises move from one portion of the nation to another Pittsburgh was never considered.  In 1961 the American Basketball League (not to be confused with the ABA) began play. 

Once again Pittsburgh was represented by the Rens who would play but two years, this time it was the league rather than the city that witnessed the demise of pro basketball in the city.  The next effort would be another new league the American Basketball Association.  The Pipers would begin play in 1967 move to Minnesota the following year and move back to Pittsburgh in 1969.  In 1970 they were re-named the Condors.  In June 1972 unable to secure a buyer the league shut down the franchise.  So, there it is the abbreviated history of professional basketball in Pittsburgh, although the metro contains over 2 million folks Pittsburgh joins Cincinnati, Kansas City and Syracuse and others.  These comprised a host of cities that once had pro basketball franchises but will never see again. 

I just discovered the Thunder have five jerseys retired and none of the five played in Oklahoma City.  You ask how could that occur, they played for the Seattle Sonics.   

1 Gus Williams
10 Nate McMillan
19 Lenny Wilkens
24 Spencer Haywood
32 Fred Brown
43 Jack Sikma

The Kings have 9 jerseys retired, 2 of that number played for the team in Sacramento.  Pete Maravich’s number 9 is retired by the Pelicans although he never played for them or the Hornets, he played for the New Orleans Jazz before the franchise located to Utah.  I’ll give the Nets and Wizards a break for their retired numbers the franchises relocated rather than the players.  The Hawks have Bob Pettit’s number retired although he played for the franchise at the time St. Louis was home base.  There are others however this was a cursory glance at several teams.