Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective

He needs my eyeglasses
It’s clear to all concerned Austin Rivers can do no wrong at least in the eyes of his father.  Blake Griffin suffered a left leg injury in the Clippers win over the Lakers on Monday night.  Underneath the basket in a scramble for the ball were Griffin, Lonzo Ball and Austin Rivers, Rivers fell on Griffin’s leg.  That’s what the video details but never mind what your eyes witnessed these are words of Clipper Coach Doc Rivers. 

1.  "You could see right when it happened," Doc Rivers said. "Lonzo was just trying to make a play, but he went in. Usually when you go in like that, that hard ... they call it.”  What the heck was Doc talking about?  His son clearly was the culprit in this injury.  I’m going to FedEx a pair of my eyeglasses to Doc, so he can review the play and determine his son is the guilty party and not Lonzo Ball.  As this story was being completed it was determined Griffin will miss a minimum of two months’ with a strained MCL in his left knee.

I'm guilty.....
But so are you, we are all guilty of sitting the bar too high for basketball players and college athletes in general.  We expect them in crunch time to know exactly the decision to they need to make.  We expect them to take the crucial shot with less than 3 seconds remaining on the clock.  We expect them to hit the free-throw needed to win the game or lead to OT with no hesitation what so ever on their part.   

I hope you understand I wish to provide why at the same time I don't want to confuse the issue we are discussing.  Sexual assault, driving while intoxicated or stealing a pair of sun glasses is a whole different matter.  Next time your favorite college team loses a tough game take into consideration they are young men some not yet 20 years old.  Large body does not equal an adult decision, we have examples of 50-year old adults making juvenile decisions.  Just cool it, relax and believe there is a life lesson for them. 

Better than we might expect 
Once Mizzou moved into the SEC this is the conversation we heard in some circles around Kansas City.  "The conference is a football conference only, other than Kentucky its not very strong."  This from folks accustom to witnessing Kansas dominate the Big 12 year after year yet no conference team appeared capable of a deep run in the NCAA with the exception of Kansas. 

This season might be different, I speak of the SEC not the Big 12.  Kentucky play is not as good as we usually witness although its early.  Stepping into the void are several candidates for the top spot.  We could begin with Texas A&M, Alabama and Florida to name the leading contenders.  We cannot leave Kentucky out of this discussion.  This is not the SEC you are use to seeing prepare yourself. 

Bits n Pieces
55 rebounds in a single game, no that was not a team effort it was one man.  Wilt Chamberlain set the all-time NBA record on November 24 1960.  The Blazers as a team had 45 rebounds in beating the Nets on this same date in 2017.  We are witness to seeing records broken or tied in the NBA but two will forever remain intact.  Chamberlain averaging 50.4 points a game for a season and the single game rebound mark. 

We've discussed the growth of basketball in Texas however it's more than having three NBA teams in the state.  The NBA is a contributing factor however it begins with the kids.  I just returned from a middle school scrimmage consisting of two grades.  All I can say is I witnessed a number of "NBA" moves by these young men.  They are not likely headed for the NBA but they are on the road to a high school career and perhaps college.  It might not be a Division I program however there are numerous other levels of play. 

The leave by Derrick Rose involves $$$$ as much as the prospect of injury.  Rose is only operating on a 1-year contract with the Cavs as for Adidas it's a different story.  He's got seven years remaining on his contract with the company and Adidas has an out.  According to, it's a "pay for play" option.

Tell me something I don't know
A well known news person uses the term; "Tell me something I don't know."  He uses it to place on the table for discussion something his audience (and maybe him) don't know.  That's the manner I look at information provided me through the various media forms.  I know Words eye view is often an opinion piece and so are the various folks in media.  The huge difference is I don't take myself too serious.  The views expressed are mine however that certainly doesn't denote my view is the only one acceptable.  I can be persuaded to a different point of view provided your argument is strong enough.