Friday, December 1, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective

Are you ready for this?
ESPN basketball analyst Dick Vitale has been criticized in the past because he’s often viewed as a cheerleader for college basketball.  It’s said highly controversial issues he avoids completely, no more Mr. Nice Guy from Dicky V.  Dick Vitale weighed in on the UCLA trio with as strong as statement as I can remember.  He indicated the three should be suspended for the entire basketball season, others suggested they be out of school but not Vitale.  They should be required to keep up their grades but no basketball for the immediate future.    

A little statistical note
I thought this worth repeating again, the Lakers are but 21 games into the 2017-18 season.  This is a comparison between Ricky Rubio and Lonzo Ball in their first year.  Rubio FG .357 Ball FG .315, Rubio 8.2 assist Ball 7.0 assist.  Points per game scoring Rubio 10.6, Ball 9.0.  The numbers for Rubio are based on an entire season and Ball's are after 21 games.  Bottom line I still consider Ball a Work in Progress, there are fundamentals of the game at the NBA level that still require development.  Ball needs an aggressive rather than passive game he’s exhibited at times

Are you sure
I listened to Marcellus Wiley co-host of ESPN's SportsNation discuss the current state of the Clippers after Blake Griffin's injury.  As this is written the Clippers sit in 10th place a couple of games below the playoff cut-off.  If the season ended today they would miss the playoffs, the question remains healthy are they likely to be a playoff contender?  I agree with Marcellus however unlike Wiley I have reservations about the team advancing very deep in the playoffs. 

Ahead of the Clippers are the Rockets, Warriors or Spurs, in a playoff scenario its highly unlikely they face all three, but they could meet two.  Directly behind the teams are the Blazers, Wolves, Nuggets and Pelicans.  Remember they lost to the Rockets two years ago with Chris Paul in the lineup.  The Clippers have a huge mountain to scale no Blake Griffin for two months, Patrick Beverly gone for the year and Danilo Gallinari still out for another 5-10 games.  Sorry for you Marcellus Austin Rivers ain’t gonna cut it as a replacement for any of the players. 

RPI could be an acronym for a bunch of different things, it could stand for   Rensselaer Polyethnic Institution a research university located in Troy New York.  On the other hand, it might be Retail Price Index or Replacement Parts Industries.  In this instance none of the above apply, we are discussing RPI as it relates to college basketball.  1. “The rating percentage index, commonly known as the RPI, is a quantity used to rank sports teams based upon a team’s wins and losses and its strength of schedule.  It is one of the sports rating systems by which NCAA basketball, baseball, softball, hockey, soccer, lacrosse, and volleyball teams are ranked.” 

So, there you have it the mechanics behind why school A with a 22-9 record fails to be invited to the Big Dance and school B with a 17-12 season does.  School A’s won-loss record looks outstanding however the competition they faced during the season was not nearly as competitive as those faced by School B’s opponents.  A coaching staff has no control over the RPI of its conference foes, on the other hand they do with the non-conference portion of the schedule.  Even that becomes tenuous at times, they schedule a “competitive” school and when time comes for play two or three years later that teams coach has been fired or moved to another program or the incoming class of athletes did not pan out.      

1. Wikipedia

Who Do You Trust
The late Johnny Carson first arrived on the national scene as the host of a television quiz program not The Tonight Show as many might believe.  It was program titled Who Do You Trust.  1. “In the quiz portion, Carson would tell the male contestant the category of the upcoming question; the man would then have to decide whether to answer the question himself or "trust" the woman to do so.” 

Who do we trust the corporation, or the individual mentioned in the story?  Adidas versus former Louisville Coach Rick Pitino, Pitino claims he’s innocent, he’s taken this position since the university fired him.  Pitino has even gone so far as to file a lawsuit against Adidas.  We guess the corporation says enough is enough. hold on a moment you knew what was going on all the time.  As this was being completed word came Pitino was also suing Louisville.  

1.  Wikipedia