Saturday, December 9, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective         

And why not?
Adam Silver announced the NBA was looking toward establishing a G-League team in Mexico City, NBA games in the city have been well-attended.  The commissioner points out this possible move could be a barometer toward eventually landing an NBA franchise.  One of the first responses indicates the economic impact is not valid in my view.  Ticket prices for a G-League team are going to be nowhere near those of an NBA team.  Should Mexico City eventually be granted a franchise economic consideration are going to be fully explored far in advance of placing a team in the city.  A basketball academy will be placed in Mexico to grow the game in Latin America. 

This is written late Thursday evening, after Kansas lost to Washington there are 9 teams yet to taste defeat.  Among the number are two of the usual cast of characters Duke and Villanova.  For me the major surprise on December 7 is Mississippi State followed by Arizona State and Florida State all without a blemish.  Before the alum and fans of the programs mentioned get upset I didn’t say they were not good programs it’s just unexpected they would have no losses near the middle of December.   

I worked with a guy who claimed baseballs’ popularity existed to a degree by the number of characters who played or were involved in the game.  Basketball never had or will have the characters of baseball but there have been a few.  The difference in the 21st Century the humor often comes by way of a tweet, this fits Sixer center now Joel Embiid perfectly he is a character.  An example after the trade of Jahlil Okafor said: “Love you….I’m gonna kick your a%@.” We could add former NBA player turned broadcaster Charles Barkley to the list as well

If you close your eyes and listen to Billy Tubbs conversation you’d think it was actor Jack Nicholson, that's not made Tubbs a character it was the other things.  In a 1989 game against Mizzou the Oklahoma crowd became upset with the officiating.  The fans began tossing objects on the court disrupting play and Tubbs was asked to address the crowd  "The referees request regardless of how terrible the officiating is to not throw objects on the floor."  Tubbs received technicals for his action and I believe was ejected. 

Norm Stewart long-time Mizzou coach hated Kansas and Kansas basketball at the time Mizzou was in the Big 8 (later Big 12).  Lawrence Kansas is less than 200 miles from Columbia Missouri, Stewart didn’t believe in spending a dime in Kansas.  The Mizzou basketball team would stay in a Kansas City (MO) hotel the night before the game and then take a charter the 40 some miles to Lawrence. 

Norm Stewart was once asked if Mizzou had any McDonald’s All Americans on the team.  Stewart said; “No but we eat at McDonald’s.”

“You’ve got to believe in yourself.  Hell, I believe I’m the best-looking guy in the world and I might be right.” 
Charles Barkley

“A team should be an extension of the coach’s personality.  My teams are arrogant and obnoxious.” 
Al McGuire former Marquette coach

“This year we plan to run and shoot.  Next season we hope to run and score.”
Billy Tubbs former Oklahoma coach. 

“I hate it.  It looks like a stick-up at 7-Eleven.  Five guys standing there with their hands in the air.” 
Norm Sloan former North Carolina State coach describing zone defence

Upward bound
Despite problems with turnovers, fouls and losing Michael Porter Jr. Mizzou’s stock is trending upward. Joe Lunardi ESPN’s guru on the NCAA Tournament places Mizzou in the tournament.  Both Utah and West Virginia losses were to teams returning several starters and aid Mizzou’s RPI number, we are 2017 but what about 2018 and beyond?  There are three SG commits and one SF commit for 2018, two four-star prospect point guards are considering Mizzou.  Being a realist Mizzou is not going to get all those point guards considering the present roster makeup. 

If only three arrive on campus next fall that still bodes well for a team that is likely to lose only three seniors.  So, there you have it in a small condensed package the future from Columbia.  NOTE:  As this report was being completed freshman point guard C.J. Roberts dad announced he was leaving Mizzou.  Former Coach Kim Anderson recruited Roberts but decided to remain after Cuonzo Martin became the coach.  Prior to the beginning of the basketball season Roberts was red-shirted so that might be one of the reasons for his departure.