Friday, December 15, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective         

Work In Progress
Despite the pronouncement of LaVar Ball I see progress with this young Laker team.  They have one of the younger teams in the NBA and must “learn” how to win and sustain a lead.  I wondered how they would match up against a veteran Cavs team.  Although the Lakers came up short there is light at the end of the tunnel, the final score read Cavs 121 Lakers 112.  The young Lakers did not appear intimidated by LeBron and crew.  Lonzo Ball had another good game although he’d say his team lost, the numbers 13 points 11 assists and 8 rebounds shooting .455 from the floor.  Brandon Ingram led the Lakers in scoring with 26 points.  LeBron James triple-double 25 points 12 rebounds and 12 assists was high point for the Cavs. 

I hate dislike Kansas basketball!
That’s a strong term I don’t hate Kansas basketball, it’s not close to hate.  Let’s just say I dislike   some of the fan base and the head coach.  You might find this almost shocking, I’m a Mizzou fan from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet however that’s not always been the case.  I grew up rooting for Kansas success on the basketball court.  I cannot point out the exact year or date however I once worked for a company it seemed all the employees who followed sports rooted for Kansas basketball.  It was at that point I changed, not wanting to join the parade and living on the Missouri side of the metro I proudly announced my allegiance to the Tigers.  I became a fan of the football team and later basketball and expanded to all sports.  It helped both schools were in the same conference and the rivalry began for me.  Apart from a few years Kansas football has almost always come in second to Mizzou football. 

As for basketball that’s been a different story the term “Border War” was first used prior to the civil war as elements from Kansas and Missouri clashed violently Kansas being a free state and Missouri a slave state.  War it was as elements on both sides fought pitched battles prior to the civil war.  The rivalry begun before and during the civil war extended to the playing field and court.  Missouri although a slave state didn’t succeed from the union although other slave states did.  Elements of the Confederate Army marched on Columbia Missouri and the defenders who were northern sympathizers nicknamed themselves “Tigers.”  So, a nicknamed that grew out of the strife of a civil war continues for the Mizzou Tigers the same for the Kansas Jayhawks.  “Its origin is rooted in the historic struggles of Kansas settlers. The term "Jayhawk" was probably coined about 1848.”


University of North Carolina Charlotte fired Coach Mike Price on Thursday.  The former NBA point guard had a 3-6 record and a 16-20 overall in three years.  I haven’t followed the 49er program although I’m very familiar with Price from his days in the NBA.  The point a college coach fired nine games into the season, the AD indicated she was concerned “about the direction of the team.” 

Colleges have fired coaches since the beginning of time the difference unless there was clear impropriety they were given time to build the program.  The same occurred situation occurred last season with Kim Anderson at Mizzou fired after three years at the helm.  The only difference Anderson was able to finish the season.  There was an old saying in baseball about managers.  It went like this; "Managers are hired to be be fired" which in this age could be applied to basketball coaches too.  

Be an owner
Former players have involved themselves in business pursuits after retirement, a smaller number have indicated a desire for ownership of an NBA franchise.  One of those identified is Kevin Garnett who spent the bulk of his NBA career with the Wolves.  As he approached retirement Garnett and owner Glen Taylor were supposed to have a handshake agreement to purchase a portion of the Wolves. 

Recently Garnett indicated that agreement between him and Taylor is null and void.  As for other former players Michael Jordan is now the majority owner of the Charlotte Hornets, in Atlanta Grant Hill has a minority interest in the Hawks.  Shaquille O’Neal purchased a share in the Sacramento Kings several years ago. Although Magic Johnson is a decision maker with the Lakers he no longer is an owner.  Magic sold his share of the Lakers to acquire the baseball Dodgers several years ago.