Sunday, September 30, 2018

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

There was talk

Several might have forgotten this bit of information.  Markelle Fultz was taken number one by the Sixers in the 2017 NBA draft, Lonzo Ball was chosen second by the Lakers.  There was talk as to which point guard was the best out of that draft class.  Ball had an up and down rookie season managing to play only 52 games.  In those 52 he scored 10.2 points, 6.9 rebounds and 702 assists.  He shot an anemic .360 from the floor, at times opposing players were almost daring him to shoot. 

On the other end of the coast Markelle Fultz managed to play but 14 games while shooting 
.405 and 7.1 points per game.  The shot he demonstrated so admirably at Washington had abandon him.  Fact of the matter Fultz had to undergo a surgical procedure that shut him down for the majority of the season.  Off-season condition plus healing finds him ready to demonstrate his ability at this level.  He replaced J.J. Redick in the Sixer lineup scoring 14 points in the exhibition game against Melbourne United.  Is the old Markelle Fultz back, we must see him demonstrate this ability throughout the season before affirming a yes. 

Another Big Monday

Last Monday the Mizzou Tigers were able to gain a commitment from point guard Mario McKinney.  I’m not as optimistic this time as I was last week regarding E.J. Liddell.  The 6-foot 7-inch prospect reduced his list of schools to three Mizzou, Ohio State and Illinois.  The pros believe Liddell is leaning toward Ohio State although there remains a question in my mind.  The Buckeyes have received a commitment from 6-foot 9-inch power forward Alonzo Gaffney from Cleveland. 

Both Liddell and Gaffney play the same position although Liddell has indicated the prospect of competing with Gaffney for playing time is a non-issue.  He makes the statement however I’m unsure how valid it might be.  In any event without re-checking my previous column I’m guessing there is a 50% chance Liddell chooses Mizzou.  The percentage would not appear optimistic however I must call this as I see it. 

Also, on Monday
The “bomb-shell” trial begins Monday, the one that was supposed to detail the criminal element in college basketball recruiting.  Last season we saw explosive headlines indicating the top was going to be blown off on illegal recruiting.  Although the trial beginning Monday should be considered a serious matter thus far this explosion of controversy has been almost a dud.  A few college assistants have been fired and Adidas officials have been named and indicted.  A full year later Rick Pitino late of Louisville is the only head coach terminated.  Other names have been mentioned but there is no requirement to discuss the names since they remain on the job.  I hope it doesn’t appear I’m looking for indictments and firings that is not the case.  My view, is this it, is the Justice Department/FBI investigation complete?

This is certainly not good news, but we hope surgery will address the issue.   Shaquille O’Neal’s son Shareef will miss his freshman season at UCLA.  Doctors discovered the 6-foot 9-inch Shareef had a heart issue which requires him to undergo a medical procedure.  The youngster indicates he will remain in school concentrating on his studies but no basketball for a year.  It’s a blessing the medical staff detected the heart issue. 

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

Hoya Paranoia
Georgetown University played basketball before Big John Thompson, they would continue to play after his coaching career concluded.  There is no argument from anyone Thompson placed the Hoyas on the national basketball map.  He would coach them from 1972-1999 compiling a sterling record of 596-239 .714 and 196-110 .641 in the Big East Conference.  His Hoyas would win the 1984 NCAA Championship but could have easily won at least two more. 

Georgetown basketball was not embraced in the same manner as UCLA, North Carolina or some of the other programs.  The Hoyas intimidated opponents, this team comprised of all black players along with a no-nonsense black head coach intimidated opposing teams.  Big John didn’t care one bit if you didn’t like his team you were going to respect the Hoyas John saw to that.  The coach is a double honoree, enshrined in the Naismith and College Basketball Hall of Fame.  John Thompson has been on the sidelines for quite a few years, many younger fans might see him being interviewed but fail to recognize his contributions to the game. 

Thrown to the Wolves
If you are unfamiliar with the headline it’s quite simple, it points to the fact sometimes people are forced to perform a job with little if any assistance or training, they must fend for themselves.  So that’s where the term originated, the person is overwhelmed by the requirements of the job. Wolves are savage in their attacks, hence the term “Thrown to the Wolves.”  That was my view initially when it was announced Mizzou received a commitment from Mario McKinney.  Would the combo guard be ready by next season, could he adjust to play at the D-I level? 

Those and other questions were rolling around in my head.  They were there for no reason, I failed to consider McKinney will not be “Thrown to the Wolves.”  He will not be expected initially to take on the role of lead guard, that falls on the shoulders of the Smith’s, Mark and Dru.  Both are transfers who will be eligible 2019-20 McKinney’s freshman year.  In addition, point guard Xavier Pinson will be a sophomore next season and he will take on some of the ball-handling responsibilities too.  McKinney can be eased into the role it’s hoped he will eventually fill.     
The team he left behind 
We’ve discussed LeBron’s new team, what about the one he left behind, what becomes of the Cleveland Cavs?  They are not going to fall into the basement, they have pieces remaining despite no LeBron to lead them.  Serviceable Rodney Hood moves into the small forward spot left by the departure of you know who.  Hood can play although he won’t be reminiscent to Cavs fans of the past occupant.  The position lacking last season and with no change finds Tristan Thompson earning the most minutes at center.  Thompson can play but he reminds us of the line uttered by Tom Hanks when he portrayed Forrest Gump. 
In one scene in the movie the Forrest Gump character says; “Life’s (Thompson) is like a box of chocolate you never know what you gonna get.”  Some nights he plays as if he’s the second coming of Kareem or Wilt and the next night, well you get the point.  More interesting as this was being completed we read Thompson wants out.  He is trying to get himself traded since LeBron is no longer a teammate.     
We should expect Kevin Love to revert to the power forward we witnessed with the Wolves.  No further explanation required here.  At shooting guard JR Smith is listed as the starter with Mizzou guy Jordan Clarkson back-up.  For obvious reasons I’d like to see the roles reversed.  Finally, at the point George Hill is listed as the starter with rookie Collin Sexton his backup.  Sexton has been quite impressive in Summer League play.  It might be no great shock to see him as the starter by January.  The reserves are adequate but that was the case last season so really no change.  The Cavs finished in 4th place in the east last season, it will not be that high in 2018-19.  Despite losing LeBron I believe they will earn a playoff berth. 

“Build it and they will come”
Clippers owner Steve Ballmer is quite rich, so wealthy he was able to purchase the Clippers for the unheard-of figure of $2 billion in 2014.  For quite a while Ballmer has expressed displeasure with the lease arrangements for Staples Arena.  It’s reported the NBA Lakers and NHL Kings are at the top of the list for available dates followed by concerts and other programs, in last place are Ballmer’s Clippers.  Ballmer has made it known he wants his own arena, and this might become fact.  The City of Inglewood is working with Ballmer interests on a location near the Rams stadium presently under construction. 
The California Legislature has signed off on a bill expediting judicial review if there is an environmental issue raised.  The latest reported news has the owner paying for the arena out of his own pocket.  Once again, a reminder, Steve Ballmer has mighty deep pockets.  Everything is not smooth sailing, there is push back from at least two groups, so we must adopt a wait and see attitude.  Artist renderings will be available at a date in the fall, Ballmer claims the Clippers could be in their building by 2024.  Remember in the movie “Field of Dreams, build it and they will come.”  That’s true with baseball or Clippers basketball

Friday, September 28, 2018

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

Although Michael Porter Jr. played but two games for Mizzou I’m rooting for him to return to the court.  As was mentioned previously surgery cast a shadow across the 2018 NBA draft for several teams.  A projected number one or two pre-season pick he slid down to the 14th pick by the Nuggets.  According to reports from training camp MPJ was still experiencing pain after the December back surgery, he underwent a second surgery over the summer. 
MPJ now claims he is pain free at this point, his NBA debut is yet to be determined.  I often say I claim no medical expertise, but a healthy back is key to play at whatever sport of choice.  The report I read indicated the Nuggets have plenty of depth at the wing so MPJ won’t be missed for the immediate future.  I must admit he’s a Mizzou guy if only briefly, I wish future success for him at the NBA level.  There will be follow up reports on his progress. 
The sky-hook
The hook shot has been in the arsenal of players for several years, for all we know Dr. Naismith might have taught it to his YMCA students back in 1891.  George Mikan played at DePaul from 1942 to 1946, it’s reported his college coach Ray Meyer taught him the shot.  Later in the NBA as a member of the Minneapolis Lakers he used the shot to dominate the league in the 1950’s.     
One reality, nobody shot it like Kareem Abdul Jabbar or with his accuracy, standing 7 feet 2 inches it might have appeared the shot was coming down from the sky.  I don’t know if we can credit any of the media with attaching “sky” to his hook shot.  As for Abdul Jabbar I’ve never read anything relating to why he took up the shot. 
My best guess, as a youngster he might have utilized it to shoot over taller opponents.  I found it quite interesting reading his view of today’s NBA, he indicates the rules have changed from his time.  It was noteworthy he stated Steph Curry and others would be outstanding no matter what era they played.  Despite rule changes and the evolution of the game Abdul Jabbar claims “40 years younger he could shoot the sky-hook in today’s NBA.”  I happen to be one of those who believe him. 
I don’t hear the nickname Durantula applied to Kevin Durant anymore, I thought it was kinda stupid anyway.  In any event 2019 he becomes a free-agent.  I’ve read at least one account claiming, “he’s headed to the Lakers”, my initial response to that story is why?  I could understand a “Kyrie Irving” or a similar player desiring an NBA championship, Durant’s got two rings. 
A third or a fourth ring would certainly be welcome but is it necessary to chase it by jumping from team to team.  Opinions are not worth a great deal to a player, but I can hear the barber shop crew now.  One of the barbers was highly critical of Durant leaving the Thunder for the Warriors.  It had nothing to do with the talent factor but the point he left for a team that had just beaten his team in the playoffs.  KD needs to remain in place I’m sure the Warriors plan on rewarding him sufficiently. 
Speaking of the Knicks
Phil Jackson is likely sitting in a cabin someplace in Montana, he’s reading a book, fishing or doing something else.  I’d bet money NBA basketball is likely far from his thoughts despite winning 11 NBA championships with the Bulls and Lakers.  Some have claimed he didn’t do much coaching with Pippen and Jordan, Shaq and Kobe on his teams.  Don’t you believe that, it takes the right person to correctly guide a team to the championship level.  Jackson accomplished this feat 11 times with two different teams, don’t tell me he wasn’t coaching. 
As for Jackson’s front office role it didn’t turn out as many (including this writer) hoped.  The man with success written all over his bio desired his tenure with the Knicks to be more successful than it turned out.  Knick fans might be divided regarding the time Jackson ran the franchise, whatever side both can mutually agree.  If Kristaps Porzingis can return from injury successfully fans can point toward Jackson.  All indications point out Jackson was solely responsible for drafting the Latvian youngster.  It’s often been said a person marches to the beat of a different drum, that I believe to be the word of Philip Douglas Jackson

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

We know what he said, but
Kyrie Irving forced the trade from the Cavs, he was reported to have said “He wanted to lead his own team.”  The Cavs did him a favor trading him to the Eastern Conference contender Celtics.  Irving was unable to finish his Celtics season due to injury but then came reports.  Over the summer we heard he wanted the Knicks.  Okay, financial capital and one of the entertainment centers of the nation, the endorsement potential for an All-Star player might be astronomical.  Then reality set in (not for Irving…me), what’s wrong with this picture one might ask?  The Knicks finished last season with 29 wins, as for the Celtics it was 55. 
The numbers explain why the Celtics made the playoffs and the Knicks missed them.  New management is in place with the Knicks, but it might be at least two years before they are a playoff contender.  It might be even longer to see them as a potential championship team.  The Eastern Conference now finds LeBron on the other side of the country, the Raptors remain formidable, but they might be the only threat to the Celtics playing for the championship in 2019.  If Irving truly wants the Knicks so be it, if he wants to win right now he’s got to remain a member of the Celtics.  Just my thoughts what do you think?
Black Hole
Are you familiar with the term Black Hole?  Rather than provide my unscientific view I believe a    technical explanation might be more appropriate.  black hole is a region of spacetime exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing—not even particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from inside it.”  Scientist believe a black hole can swallow any entity in the universe. 
In any event that was the term applied to former Celtic great Kevin McHale as he was interviewing Larry Bird.  It reminded me of a story I once read about McHale, teammates were said to refer to him as “The Black Hole.”  It was said once the ball was passed inside to the 6-foot 10-inch McHale it was never seen again.  Teammates said McHale rarely dished the ball to a teammate…. hence “Black Hole”.  The basketball would never escape from McHale’s hands unless a shot was taken by him be it a basket or a miss.    
Winning Basketball-101
How do you create a winning basketball program?  If you are Mizzou coach Cuonzo Martin, you change the mentality surrounding the environment.  The only example I can cite is a football account.  It was reported at the time Vince Lombardi took over the NFL Packers they were terrible.  The quarterback of that team was pretty good, he said as much to Lombardi.  The coach’s response, “You represent the old Packers I’m building a new Packers.”  Later the quarterback was released but would find employment with another team completing a good football career. 
Martin certainly didn’t cut anyone in that manner he did make it known change was evident.  If we look around the country winning programs have coaches and staffs who can recruit.  These teams Duke, North Carolina, Kentucky and Kansas receive large amounts of publicity without payment being required.  Recruiting quality players plus winning, in this instance continuous winning.  Nothing like Wooden’s UCLA teams that would be an impossible feat.  Consider this, every season several teams hold their collective breaths hoping to qualify for the NCAA tournament.  The Duke’s the Carolina’s and others know in advance they have earned a berth.  There you have it the three keys recruiting, winning and tradition. 
What to expect
For the first time in forever the Spurs will sport a brand new look this season.  The “glue” that allowed them to win NBA championships and compete successfully is absent.  It’s up to Pop to really do that coaching thing this season.  This is not reflective of the team’s starters they are a veteran group.  Pau Gasol at center, Rudy Gay, small forward, LaMarcus Aldridge, power forward and DeMar DeRozan shooting guard. 
Although somewhat long in the tooth this group can ball with most NBA teams, it’s the reserves that become the question.  The Spurs always had a Manu Ginobili or Tony Parker come off the bench to provide a spark for the team.  Ginobili is retired and Parker is now a Hornet, who does Pop call on to fill the void?  Barring major injury even in the Wild Wild West the Spurs make the playoffs.  Unlike past years this Spurs team is unlikely to be a serious threat to win an NBA championship.      

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

Basketball fans comments 
I read this, a fan who expressed my sentiments from the other day.  “I hate winter, but it brings basketball. I’ll deal with the cold.”  It’s clear the author like me lives in a portion of the nation with seasonal change.  Laker rookie Moe Wagner now has a nickname thanks to a fan, he’s now “BMW”.  He’s now Big Moe Wagner and he’s from Germany too just like the automobile. 
Sorry I can’t get too excited
This is a report only, I cannot get too excited about the prospect.  The Internet is a buzz with video of 12-year old Olivier Rioux from Montreal Quebec Canada.  Depending on which site you link he’s either 6 foot 10 inches or 6 foot 11, some indicate he’s 7 feet tall.  In any event video of him dunking and exploiting the opposition exists.  As I indicated this is just a report, I refuse to dwell on a prospect who might be 12-inches or more versus the opposition.  Rioux’s father Jean-François is quick to point out the video is an anomaly. Olivier normally plays under-14 basketball for the Tirades de Longueuil, an AAA program in Longueuil, and plays all season on 10-foot rims.”
Training camp bits n pieces
A few bits of information from NBA training camp opening.  We discovered, LeBron James will only play center at times.  The talk during the summer was just that…. talk.  Due to Lonzo Ball’s off-season surgery and recovery Rajon Rondo will start at the point for a period.  Will this move spell future trouble for Ball?  I thought this was funny, there’s been some criticism of the Laker additions short of LeBron.  Veterans Javale McGee, Lance Stephenson, Rajon Rondo and Michael Beasley. 
He provides the group a nickname; MUD.  Misunderstood, under-appreciated, determined.  There’s a photo of Kawhi Leonard in a Raptors jersey, he’s smiling something we’d not often been privileged to see.  Hold on to your seats or grab hold of something, Carmelo Anthony indicates he’s okay with coming off the Rockets bench.  Didn’t he indicate he didn’t want that role with the Thunder?  Butler is uninterested in returning to the Wolves one report indicates.  He’s going to force the Wolves to trade him before the start of the season.  The Knicks Kristaps Porzingis indicates he’s taking time to heal and there is no time-table for his return.   
“I don’t get no respect”
The classic line uttered by the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield.  At some point in his stand-up routine he would state; “I don’t get no respect.”  In 17 years at Texas Rick Barnes might have said the same thing, 16 years his teams were winners…. only one losing season.  Despite his won-loss record it seemed he was always in trouble with alum and fans.  Perhaps part of the issue is his difficulty beating Kansas and the other issue.  His Texas teams although in the NCAA every season never advanced very far.  In 2015 Barnes took over the program at Tennessee, after two sub par seasons his third team finished the season 26-9 and 13-5 in the SEC.  The university was so pleased they extended his contract through the 2023-24 season.  Rick Barnes might finally be getting the respect he deserves, he can coach. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

Can you believe, I’m waiting on Mario McKinney?
This is quite unbelievable I’m waiting on a 17 or 18-year old to announce his intentions.  The youngster is new age, he’s announcing on Twitter which is the manner it’s done today.  About 6:35 p.m. Central time Monday September 24 combo guard Mario McKinney said it would be Mizzou.  This Rivals 4-star prospect is the first in the Class of 2019 to commit to Mizzou, a couple of points.  We have no idea if McKinney makes the transition to Division I basketball successfully. 
Coach Martin and staff continue to recruit the nation extensively, prized prospect E.J. Liddell is still out there uncommitted.  Liddell is the 6-foot 7-inch power forward and Class of 2019 Rivals 4-star prospect.  A Chicago Sun-Times reporter indicates Mizzou is on the outside and Illinois (his home state) and Ohio State are in the lead.  This writer could be correct, we shall see.  NOTE:  The Michigan State commit's first name is Mark “Rocket” Watts, just wanted to ensure you didn’t think his first name was Rocket. 
Kansas City professional basketball
I’ve written previously about the Kansas City Steers, they were a professional basketball team playing here from 1961 through December 1963.  The Steers were members of the American Basketball League which is not to be confused with the American Basketball Association.  Years later the NBA Kings would locate here from Cincinnati, I’ve always been curious, there must have been professional basketball prior to the 1960’s in Kansas City.  My interest brought about a research project which is now complete.  The earliest date I could uncover was around the time the NBA began.
 In 1947-1948 the Kansas City Blues began play in the Professional Basketball League of America (not to be confused with a later league with a similar name).  I was unable to uncover additional information, but the Blues and league died after one year.  In the 1950-1951 season another league formed, the National Basketball Professional League was born, the Kansas City Hi-Spots were one of the members of this 8-team league, it folded after the season with no championship being decided.  In 1957 the National Industrial Basketball League began play, the Kansas City Kaycees competed in this league.  Interesting this league was comprised of mill workers as a recreational league so I’m unsure if we should consider it a pro league.  There you have it Kansas City’s professional basketball resume. 
Taking on a reserve role
40-year old Dirk Nowitzki will be coming off the bench this season for the Mavs.  That’s been the talk all summer and now it appears official, that’s the preliminary statement by coach Rick Carlisle.  DeAndre Jordan late of the Clippers will start at center replacing Nowitzki, highly touted rookie Luka Doncic will move into the starting lineup at power forward.  The Mavs believe Doncic’s passing skill will allow him to play the position at 220 pounds.  
He led them to the Promised Land
I didn’t realize Moses Malone played for 10 ABA and NBA teams during his career until I began this research.  Malone will forever be remembered by Sixer fans as he led them to the Promised Land…. the 1983 NBA championship.  The journey of Malone began in Petersburg Virginia, born in 1955 he would be chosen in the 3rd round of the 1974 draft by the ABA Utah Stars out of high school.  At that time-frame NBA rules prohibit drafting talent directly from high school, but his ABA tenure would be brief.  Playing for the Stars and the Spirits of St. Louis Malone and several players were placed in a pool at the of the ABA-NBA merger.  It’s long been my contention we have no NBA basketball in Kansas City due to a series of errors, failure to acquire Malone is one of them.  In 83 games for the Stars 18-year old Malone averaged 14.6 rebounds and 18.8 points per game. 
His numbers for the Spirits of St. Louis were comparable until the team folded.  In any event players from the folded franchises (including Malone) were placed in a pool.  NBA teams could select a player based on the teams record at the end of the season.  The Kings with the 3rd poorest record chose a 6-foot 2-inch guard named Ron Boone.  The Blazers having two picks chose Maurice Lucas with the second pick, Marvin Barnes went to the Pistons and the Blazers selected Malone.  For $100,000 difference the Kings could have chosen a future NBA champion and Naismith Hall of Fame player.  Boone’s signing fee by the Kings was $250,000, the Blazers signed Malone for $350,000.  This is all debatable, Malone selected by the Kings might have never reached his later potential, but we just don’t know. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

The Rocket will land elsewhere
Sunday afternoon we discovered “Rocket” Watts cancelled his planned Mizzou visit.  The Detroit point guard announced he would remain at home choosing Michigan State rather than Mizzou.  For those of us who follow the Mizzou program this is not exactly shocking news however its mighty good news for Michigan State.  Watts is rated the number 27th prospect in ESPN’s 100 for the Class of 2019. 
He’ll be missed
NBA TV’s Matt Winer announced on Friday David Aldridge was leaving Turner Sports.   The veteran Aldridge will become editor-in-chief of the Washington D.C. offices of the Atlantic a sports website launched in 2016.  The veteran Aldridge has worked for Turner Sports, ESPN and NBA TV always providing insight to the game we love.  Aldridge has always been one of those in the media highly respected in the craft, I’m going to miss listening to his comprehension of the NBA. 
There might be a key reason those who’ve coached in the NBA and college might prefer the NBA.  With the NBA you draft two players and sign free-agents every summer go out and compete.  Success is certainly not guaranteed however in the NBA you are not always on the road.  The reference is the necessary recruiting destinations to build a successful college team.  I read an account regarding Mizzou coach Cuonzo Martin, the writer made several valid points of a positive nature.  His team was a winner for the first time in a while with a (20-13) record, they finished 10-8 in the conference and earned an NCAA berth. 
The writer went on to point out Martin is the latest of several coaches to head the program.  Although the record prior to the Kim Anderson hire was okay Mizzou never turned that corner, they failed due to instability at head coach.  Quin Snyder had the longest tenure at 7 years but was a loser near the end.  Mike Anderson with 5 years at the helm holds the second longest, then Frank Haith and Kim Anderson both with 3 seasons.  No one knows the future however it’s believed Cuonzo Martin from East St. Louis is near home.  It’s unrealistic to expect the 32 years of a Norm Stewart but as you can see any period over 8 years could be considered a bonus. 
The Thunder
The OKC Thunder will sport new jerseys this season, Paul George remained in Oklahoma.  Surgery will keep Russell Westbrook sidelined early in the season.  Steven Adams will continue to compete at his usual 110% clogging the middle and rebounding the ball.  I believe you are up to date, oh I forgot defensive specialist Andre Roberson returns from injury.  Now that’s out of the way project the 2018-19 record for the Thunder…. almost impossible.  In a similar outlook of most teams the season certainly looks promising which says playoffs. 
NBA championship I’m going to reserve my judgment for now.  Thunder starters can compete with most teams it’s the reserves who fall a little bit short.  This keeps the Thunder in my view from advancing deep into the playoffs.  So, there you have it, the Westbrook led team will play inspired basketball however competing for a championship will exclude them once again.  Although I wrote this ahead of former Piston great Isiah Thomas check him out.  On NBA TV’s assessment of the season he’s got the Thunder missing the cut.  At least I believe they make the playoffs. 

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

He ain’t going nowhere
I’m not referring to Jimmy Butler rather his teammate for now center Karl-Anthony Towns. is reporting the Wolves center has agreed to a 5-year $190 million extension.  Despite the turmoil existing with the team Towns is stating loudly he intends to remain in the Twin Cities.  As for Butler that might be a slightly different story as he is likely to be elsewhere.  
Optimism reigns supreme (I hope)
Yesterday this Mizzou fan wrote, “I hope I’m not being premature here or causing him to choose another school.  Rivals 4-star guard Mario McKinney is to make his choice known on Monday.”  Well 24-hours later I’m sporting a different melody.  I believe there is a 75% chance McKinney chooses Mizzou, as for E.J. Liddell his percentage is slightly lower in my view, I’m going to say there is a 50% chance he arrives at Mizzou.  On the other hand, I could be wrong about both, I sure hope I don’t have to publish a story on Tuesday about my failure as a prognosticator. Home being Illinois I could see Liddell picking the Fighting Illini; Ohio State is more difficult for me to visualize.  Before you Buckeye fans get upset I’m not trashing your program, just pondering maybe why.    
A day later
We read Wolves owner Glen Taylor is thinking about trading Jimmy Butler.  Butler is reported to have sat and talked with Wolves coach Tom Thibodeau in the same manner Kawhi Leonard did with Gregg Popovich.  Both situations are similar and at the same time different.  According to reports Leonard had issues with the Spurs medical staff, as for Butler it appears to be teammates or at least one.  This is a different age, its my belief the athlete has much of the power. 
If Butler or any other player decides they want to be elsewhere there is little an owner can do.  Trade the player prior to losing them to free-agency.  The baseball Royals experienced a similar issue, two players made no demands except payment.  Management believing, they could not sign them simply allowed them to walk away.  We are quite sure the Spurs wanted to keep Leonard, we are quite sure the Wolves want to keep Butler.  There comes that time when a tough decision must be made, the Wolves are at that point currently. 
The change
When I arose this September morning it was a brisk 50 degrees and the air is quite crisp, the forecast calls for a high of 78 today.  We are but a few hours short of summer turning to fall and eventually winter with its snow and ice and I’m only partially ready.  Fall and colder temperatures signal basketball season is not far off, at the same time I’ve got to confess I’m more comfortable with 80-degree weather.  Sounds as if Miami, Phoenix or Los Angeles might be a better fit for me. 
The cold Midwest winters of Kansas City never thrilled me anyway, snow and ice are not my best friends.  The weather impacts my travel as it does most, Columbia home of Mizzou is about 150 miles from here.  I can plan on a cold drive to attend a basketball game, as for a snow/ice drive down I-70 that’s a different matter.  Despite the weather issue I manage to survive after all this is not the frozen tundra of Green Bay.  Sorry Packer fans I had to toss that in, that was a line from one of the old NFL documentaries I once saw.  I’m certainly ready for some competitive basketball college and the NBA. 

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

Things to do in Kansas City while….
Waiting on the basketball season to begin,
The Wolves claim they ain’t trading Jimmy Butler, that’s well and good for now.  They might be forced into a “Kawhi Leonard” corner.  We shall see how this story plays out, it’s been confirmed Andrew Wiggins is the culprit in the matter.
I didn’t get the memo, there appears to be bad blood between Sixer center Joel Embid and Suns center DeAndre Ayton.  Not sure when it first surfaced or the reason for it, the latest salvo comes from Embiid.  Quote, “Ayton is about to get his ass kicked” unquote. 
Considering the events in Dallas the NBA has spoken.  Commissioner Adam Silver indicates NBA teams need to hire more women especially in leadership capacities.  He also stressed the requirement for teams to create a comfortable work environment for women.  As for the Mavs the NBA is yet to announce any penalty facing the team. 
I hope I’m not being premature here or causing him to choose another school.  Rivals 4-star guard Mario McKinney is to make his choice known on Monday.  At this point its still a guess whether he chooses Mizzou.  If McKinney choses Mizzou, his buddy forward E.J. Lindell also a Rivals 4-star prospect could pick Mizzou too, I’m holding my breath on both athletes. 
We have a few brother combos in the collegiate ranks.  You were probably familiar with all but just a reminder we have the Miller brothers, Sean serves as head coach at Arizona and younger brother Archie at Indiana.  How about the Hurley’s, Bobby at Arizona State and brother Dan who begins his first year at UConn.  We close with the Drew brothers, Bryce at Vanderbilt and Scott at Baylor. 
“The Great White Hope”
African-American Jack Johnson won the heavyweight boxing championship in 1908.  It was reported a search was conducted to uncover a white contender for the crown.  The racial climate of the period made many uncomfortable knowing a black man held the heavyweight championship.  Segregation in the nation caused blacks to be excluded from professional baseball, football and other sports.  Although exceptions existed particularly in the north for the most part blacks could not attend and certainly could not play sports.  Over the last 60+ years civil and social change has witnessed significant transformation.  
As for basketball an increasing number of black athletes have matriculated into colleges and the NBA.  No figures were available for college as for the NBA the league is now comprised of nearly 80% black athletes.  Is race still a factor regarding the game today?  There is no one response that is adequate let’s just say any backlash might not be quite as visible as it once might have been.  Although the NBA has led the way among sports in hiring and diversity this has not always existed.  In the 1950’s teams could only contain a limited number of black players, in addition there were no black reserves.  Black players on NBA rosters during this period were starters. 
This is a tale…. most of us are aware
LiAngelo Ball had two chances slim and none and slim just left town.  That’s the fate of the middle son of LaVar Ball.  The Ball family continues to make news be it of the negative variety.  Most of us read weeks ago LiAngelo’s agent indicated it was unlikely he’d be drafted.  NBA teams sign several players to Summer League contracts, 99% of them fail to make the big team. 
Let’s place that statement in perspective they are not expected to make the big-league roster.  These players are signed to ensure the team has an adequate number of players.  With that long drawn out explanation allow me to add LiAngelo was not picked up by ANY NBA team.  I certainly am not able to peer into the future, but I wonder.  I wonder if zealous LaVar Ball will be the downfall of his middle and youngest son not having a basketball future.  We’d read several years ago prior to UCLA the middle son might be the least talented of the brother.  

Friday, September 21, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

“The Buck Stops Here”
The late President Harry Truman’s desk in the White House contained a sign reading, “The Buck Stops Here.”  The intent was to point out “the responsibility for something cannot or should not be passed to someone else.”  In other words, no excuse should be offered, you take charge.  The news from Dallas is significant in its assessment.  An NBA investigation uncovered a climate of sexual harassment within the Mavs organization over a 10-year period.  Considering the Me-Too movement and the fact the NBA’s public persona details diversity and gender hiring practices, this issue shines a negative light on the league. 
Owner Mark Cuban was not involved however three high profile employees’ actions have been called into question, the owner was aware of civil charges against one of them.  Cuban hasn’t ducked the issue, he’s appeared on television and indicated this is his fault.  It’s never good to just toss money at an organization but that’s what Cuban’s done, $10 million has been donated to various women’s organizations throughout the country.  The NBA needs to act too, Donald Sterling was made to sell the Clippers due to his conduct.  I’m not suggesting Cuban be forced to sell the team or anything that drastic however he cannot or should not escape any type of penalty the NBA should impose.     
Allow me to state this up front, sports columnist, analyst, author, and podcaster Bill Simmons has never been one of my favorites reporting or discussing the NBA.  I don’t agree with many of his opinions and this latest one makes no sense whatsoever.  Simmons claims “LaVar Ball was paid hush money to stay quiet about LeBron James and the Lakers”.  The critical remarks Ball made about LeBron James have ceased and this is the basis for the Simmons assertion.  Exactly what person or persons payed Ball was never made clear as part of the interview.  I have a response for Simmons, “I’m from Missouri you’ve got to Show Me
Size 22
Bob Lanier wears a size 22 shoe, it was the largest shoe Converse manufactured at the time.  Much later Shaquille O’Neal would arrive in the NBA wearing the same size.  As for Lanier he arrived in the NBA from St. Bonaventure in 1970, he arrived at a time the NBA was ripe with dominant centers.  Nightly battles with Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Dave Cowens, Bill Walton and others and Lanier held his own against these adversaries. 
The 6-foot 10-inch Lanier was made the first pick in the 1970 draft by the Pistons, he would spend the bulk of his career with the Pistons and closed out his career as a member of the Bucks.  Lanier is another honoree having been enshrined in the Naismith and College Basketball Hall of Fame.  In addition to owning his own company since his retirement Lanier has served as Good Will Ambassador the NBA throughout the world.  

Fiserv Arena
The Bucks moved into their brand-new arena Fiserv this season, other than this move, and Giannis Antetokounmpo is there any other news to excite Bucks fans?  The saying goes, “Fear the Deer” the question becomes does this team as composed strike fear in the opposition?  Before I go very much further I must admit other than the “Greek Freak” the Bucks have been invisible on my radar.  The Bucks finished 3rd in the Central Division with a 44-38 record earning a playoff berth.  With the 17th pick in the first round they chose Donte DiVincenzo from Villanova, the 6-foot 5-inch guard had an outstanding NCAA appearance.  
DiVincenzo becomes their only pick, they had none in the second round.  radarThe Bucks finished 3rd in the Central Division with a 44-38 record earning a playoff berth.  With the 17th pick in the first round they chose Donte DiVincenzo from Villanova, the 6-foot 5-inch guard had an outstanding NCAA appearance.  He would become their only pick, they had none in the second round.  The other issue attracting free agents, the Bucks are one of the teams that has difficulty attracting free-agents.  Where does this leave the team leading into the 2018-19 season?  Unless a Thon Maker or Tony Snell plays beyond our comprehension pencil in the Bucks for a playoff slot, championship contender not there yet.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

He said what?
Stardom is predicted for Duke freshman Zion Williamson, we are aware of the exploits of the 6-foot 7-inch 280 pound forward.  We’ve been seeing his YouTube video at least for the last two years.  Williamson has offered us visual proof of his furious dunks while in high school, there remains a question whether he can duplicate this at the collegiate level.  No matter Stephon Marbury is already convinced and has gone on record regarding the future greatness of Williamson.  “This college freshman is way better than LeBron James. 
Stephon Marbury currently playing in China issued this statement.  “Williamson is the only player that has the “opportunity to be better than Michael Jordan” right now, and that he is going to “destroy the whole planet.”  Marbury’s basketball “eye” makes this prediction about the 18-year old Williamson.  I for one don’t wish to trash Marbury’s judgment however Williamson has his work cut out for him in my view.  You know my saying which originated with my home, “I’m from Missouri you’ve got to Show Me.”
Anywhere but here
I’m unsure the date we first read Jimmy Butler was unhappy, apparently the problem is not Tom Thibodeau who coached him with the Bulls.  Reports indicate Butler wants the Clippers, Nets or Knicks for his destination.  The problem which I must place in the category of unconfirmed.  Butler is supposed to have issues with forward Andrew Wiggins work ethic.  From where most of us sit it’s difficult for us to see, since winning Rookie of the Year honors Wiggins numbers have been upper tier level.  It’s apparent there is some portion of the game his teammate plays that upsets Butler, upsets him to the point of requesting a trade.  Stay tuned for this developing unfolding story.      
Mizzou trivia
Few are probably aware over the years a few Mizzou jerseys are now hanging in the rafters.  The numbers are now retired and will never be issued to another Mizzou player.  The most noteworthy might be that of former coach Norm Stewart.  He first arrived on campus as a basketball player and in 1967 would began coaching at his Alma Mater which lasted until 1999.  The school would name the basketball court at Mizzou Arena after Stewart, his number 22 displaced in the arena.   As for other Mizzou players their names and the years they played is below their name.      
Steve Stipanovich #40
Bill Stauffer #43
Doug Smith #34
Jon Sunvold #20
Willie Smith #30
Norm Stewart #22
Demarcus Cousins went down with a season ending injury in January.  The Pelican center was diagnosed with a torn Achilles after registering a 15 point 13 rebound 11 assist game in a win over the Rockets.  It was generally believed the Pelicans playoff hopes were over, they forgot about Anthony Davis who moved over to the center position.  I haven’t heard of Davis being referred to as the Unibrow lately.  
He would lead the way as the Pelicans earned a playoff berth finishing the season with a 48-34 record.  Over the summer free-agent Cousins left for the Warriors leaving Davis to continue his role at center.  The team had no 1st round pick but chose point guard Tony Carr from Penn in the second round of the 2018 draft.  Carr will strictly be a backup, starter Jrue Holliday had an outstanding season contributing to the Pelicans playoff effort.  Expect similar play to last season with a playoff appearance, they are not a championship contender despite Davis and Holliday.