Saturday, January 7, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective

‘Do as I say; not as I do’
The headline is an old idiom; ‘Take my advice, even though I am acting contrary to it. ‘ Currently the Clippers are in third place in technical’s (32) behind the first place Suns and the Knicks. Coach Doc Rivers announces to his team; ‘Stop racking up technical fouls. ‘ What’s that you say coach about the belligerent attitude your team has demonstrated at times. Coach I just checked the stats and they indicate you’ve been ejected three times this season, your coaching staff has been accessed 6 technical’s placing them in second place among NBA teams.  I almost fell out of my chair with laughter after reading Rivers statement.  

Was he correct?
The Celtics Jae Crowder went on a twitter rant complaining about Celtics fans.  Gordon Hayward of the Jazz will be a free agent at the conclusion of the season.  Celtics coach Brad Stevens coached Hayward at Butler University;   Hayward plays the same position as Crowder.  Celtics fans were constantly applauding and cheering for visiting playing Hayward.  What do you think about Crowder’s rant was his criticism valid, you make the call.  A day later Crower apologized and indicated he wants to remain in Boston but still feels disrespected.    

Don’t worry old-timer
I don’t know if it’s true but I once read unlike Western Societies the Chinese have a great deal of respect for the elderly.  I’m not stating European and American culture don’t respect older citizens it seems we in the Western world fail to see the value of older folks.  We have often campaigned for their removal without offering any proof they have been derelict in duties.  We could make a similar statement regarding broadcasters who continue to work despite their advanced years.  

The voice of Kansas University basketball Max Falkenstien retired at the end of last season, he’d ‘only’ been on the job since 1946.  Forget about counting on your fingers and toes Falkenstien turned 92 last April.  Don’t get me wrong young persons should be given an opportunity to move up too but not at the expense of moving a productive older citizen. We might lead off with 77-year old Dick Vitale, no need of discussing his credentials you are well aware of Dicky V.  

Another former coach turned broadcaster is Hubie Brown; he’s 83-years old but still a valued NBA analyst for ESPN.  Verne Lundquist has broadcast other sports we are aware however the 76-year old is known as the voice of CBS College Basketball telecasts.  ‘And we began the game man to man‘ is always the word analyst 77 year old Bill Raftery provides at the beginning of each of his games.    

The long-time Knick and current TNT NBA broadcaster 75 year old Marv Albert has witnessed a great deal of college and NBA basketball over his broadcast career.  We include 74-year old Dick Stockton has also broadcast other sports but is primarily known for college and NBA telecasts.  It’s likely I’ve omitted a number of older broadcasters who continue to work.  I’m sure for many its more than the salary they do it because they still love the game.  Just because you reach a certain age is no indication you should retire.

Presidential basketball
The president of the United States is often spotted at sporting events and basketballs are no different.  How about the last three, former President Bill Clinton was often spotted at University of Arkansas games however it’s questionable if he was much of a fan.  Former President George W. Bush was an athlete in college playing baseball at Yale so he was once an athlete.  He once was a partner of the Texas Rangers and CEO but resigned at the time he ran for governor of Texas.  In a manner of most presidents George W. Bush attended a number of sporting events while serving in the White House.  Recently he’s been very visible at SMU basketball games from his courtside seat.  According to reports he arrives early and never leaves the game early.  His successor as we know is basketball through and though.  

President Barack Obama played varsity basketball at Punahou High School in Honolulu Hawaii. The ESPN cameras and Andy Katz have become regular visitors at the White House as the president provides the public a glimpse of his NCAA Tournament bracket.  It should also be noted this resident of Chicago is an avid Bulls fan.  There you have it one Republican and one Democratic president and a brief glimpse into their athletic and basketball history.  The incoming president Donald Trump had an athletic history in high school and as an adult owned the New Jersey Generals of United States Football League for two seasons.  He’s never played competitive basketball at any level.  We must wait and see if he has any presidential interest in the game at the college or NBA level.