Monday, January 30, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective 

You be the judge
The Kansas City Star reminded me the Big 12 had won the challenge in prior years by a significant margin against the SEC.   

2013-14   7-3
2014-15   6-4
2015-16   7-3
2016-17   5-5

We’ve read and heard all season long about the strength of Big-12 Conference basketball, does this years challenge provide validation?

An error of epic proportions
Okay it wasn’t that bad I just wanted to capture your attention.  On Sunday I wrote of the Bulls and despite their poor play they could still make the playoffs.  I finished by stating they played in the “weak’ Eastern Conference.  Larry Laker failed to check the Western Conference before writing the story; the Nuggets could gain a playoff berth too.  As this is written the Nuggets stand 21-25 whose weak you say? 

Politics of change
This is difficult to discuss on several levels because the news just occurred today.  As this is written the Trump administration has placed a ban on the citizens of 7 nations which is to be in effect for the next 90 days.  A federal judge has voided the actions of the president for now but confusion still reigns.  This blog is about basketball however sometimes basketball collides with the real world and that‘s the case here.  A number of players from the ban nations list have played or currently play in the NBA, how is their status affected?  Sudan is one of the nations however civil war split the country into two separate nations; a small number of players are from South Sudan.  

The NBA is concerned enough they have contacted the administration to determine the status of two players in particular Thon Maker and Luol Deng.  Maker has dual citizenship from Sudan and Australia although he was born in Sudan as was Deng before the nation was divided.  Although he’s no longer in the NBA an Iranian player could possibly return one day.  Somalis have played in the NBA and Bismack Byombo is from The Democratic Republic of the Congo but arrived in the NBA after playing in Yemen a nation on the watch list.  My check covered the NBA only there might be others in college or the NBA D-League.

He got his triple double
Fans of Russell Westbrook are not going to be happy, your man got his triple double versus the Cavs. 20 points 12 rebounds and 10 assists while shooting 27% FROM THE FLOOR!  Yes I said Westbrook shot 27% as he sank 7 field goals out of 27 shots he took.  I’m sorry fans I’m not impressed with this triple double effort its as if this has become “all about me.” The Thunder lost the game 107-91, Sam Presti get the man some help please.  It appears Westbrook is playing an all-around game due to his double digit assist totals.  I say not true, an average shooter would likely shoot 42% of the 15 or 16 of the shoots Westbrook took his teammates didn't get.  .