Friday, January 6, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective

I made an error of monumental proportions.  In an earlier discussion regarding triple-double I stated Russell Westbrook didn’t compare to Oscar Robertson.  I provided the years I believed The Big O had multiple triple-double seasons and the information was incorrect. In the 1961 62 season Robertson's numbers were 12 rebounds 11.4 assists and 30.8 ppg.  If I make an error I want to ensure you have the corrected information upfront not buried somewhere in small print.  Opinions are a far different from fact, my desire for Words is to be as factual as possible.  

It’s his decision 
The coach decided in favor of lifting the suspension of his player, I’m referring to Coach K. and Grayson Allen at Duke.  We know by now the youngster has anger issues, hopefully the one game suspension will cause him to reflect on his actions in the future.  In addition I hope the coach has demanded Allen attend some sort of anger management counseling. 

The NBA was seriously looking at him as a draft choice last season; many teams might change their minds in June if he’s not changed his on-court behavior.  I’ve read several sources condemning the coach for returning Allen to the roster after only one game.  This call is the coach’s he’s closer to the issue than any of us, his track record as a mentor of young men speaks volumes.  Yes Coach K. is about winning but what coach who hopes to maintain a job isn't.

No return 
The one change some college basketball fans wanted in the new NBA Collective Bargaining Agreement is not there.  They must wait at the very least another seven years before the next agreement is voted.  The One and Done or age 19 rule continues to impact the college and NBA Game.  I must admit over the years I’ve been on both sides of this issue and cannot say a thumbs up or thumbs down.  Perhaps that’s been the dilemma by the decision makers for the players association and NBA owners.  Face facts we’ll see no more UCLA or Indiana undefeated NCAA Champion teams.  

Kids will continue to head for the NBA after their freshmen year but there is a slight difference.  For the most part kids are not leaving school unprepared.  They receive more accurate information on their draft status than in earlier times.  There remain a number who leave early and we say why?  Get use to it college fans we might not like it but it’s become the law of the land.  In the next several years a high school talent will be headed directly to the NBA after one year of college.  It’s likely he could be a high school freshman currently or he might even be in middle school but he’s on the way to the NBA.

The legend of Air Jordan
I held a discussion with a friend regarding Michael Jordan, with no intention I believe on his part Jordan influenced basketball style and fashion for a generation.  My friend mentioned his shaved head; I informed her early in his NBA career he decided to shave his head due to early male pattern baldness.  Actors Yul Brynner and Telly Savalas preceded Jordan in the bald look but they didn’t play in the NBA.  

NBA players wore basketball shorts that were only slightly larger than underwear briefs for years until Jordan.  Jordan was the first to wear baggy shorts which almost reached the knees.  This style would influence future players and a change in basketball fashion began. Check photos and video of players up through Jordan’s arrival.  Finally the shoes, did you realize the first Air Jordan shoes were not permitted in the NBA?  

At one time NBA teams wore conventionally colored shoes, Bird‘s green Converse or Magic‘s Gold converse.  The first Air Jordans were white and red with a black swoosh.  The NBA wouldn’t approve the shoe, the rules at the time read; ‘A player must wear shoes that not only matched their uniforms, but matched the shoes worn by their teammates.’  That’s all changed now as you see teammates wearing different color shoes nowadays.  Trend setter, innovator you decide the NBA was changed forever once Jordan arrived on the scene.