Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective 

Elvis Rose has left the building
For unexplained reasons (at this writing) no explanation was made why the Knicks Derrick Rose left MSG early.  The Knicks indicate he will be fined and will be in uniform on Wednesday.  I cannot or will not debate this issue in the manner of one Stephen A. Smith.  Didn’t watch his show or listen to him I’m only going by the banner on the ESPN NBA page.  

‘Knicks should consider getting rid of Rose’ this from a man who is reported to have his finger on the pulse of the NBA.  Don’t you think it might be a good idea to determine the ‘why’ before you decide to trade someone?  Two things I’m very happy about 1.  I’m alive and 2.  The fate of my life is not determined by Stephan A. Smith.  I wonder he’s got so much information and opinions I wonder why he’s not working for an NFL or NBA 

Stat stuffer
Call me a Russell Westbrook hater if you must I don’t care.  I’m watching the Bulls-Thunder game on Fox Sports Oklahoma and the Thunder raced out to a 20 point plus lead the outcome is hardly in doubt.  The event that I found upsetting was Westbrook returning to the floor with about 3 minutes remaining.  I believe at the time there were only Thunder reserves on the floor and then the announcer said it.      

‘Westbrook is two rebounds short of a triple-double’, Westbrook would add an additional rebound but fall short of a triple-double.  The Thunder registered a 109-94 win, in the course of a game with the outcome in doubt no issue on my part with Westbrook returning to action.  The game clearly in favor of the Thunder what was this other than stuffing the stat sheet?  When I mentioned it to my buddy he said; ‘What if returning to the game Westbrook was injured?’  I nodded my head and said; ‘Good point.’  Returning to a game with less than three minutes and he’s injured attempting to break a record.

First time
Have we gone into an alternative universe, the Baylor Bears are number one in the AP and USA Today Coaches poll.  Baylor has never been number one in basketball ever; we keep expecting the balloon to burst for this 15-0 team.  Even more amazing is how far the program has risen from the ashes of scandal that even included murder.  Coach Scott Drew and staff have worked hard to return normalcy to a basketball time broken.  That’s all in the rear view mirror as this team looks to the future.  After beginning his coaching career as an assistant at Valparaiso Drew took over the program and led the team to a 20-11 record in his only season as head coach.  

In 2003-04 he took over at Baylor.  Handicapped by a reduction in scholarships, recruiting and capable players Drew’s first three years were a dismal 21-63.  In 2006-07 the team almost turned the corner finishing with a 15-16 record, after that Baylor’s lowest win total was 18-13 in 2010-11. His teams have made the NCAA Tournament for the last four years and in 2013 was NIT Champion. Is this team capable of beating Kansas as I’ve stated before that question remains to be answered. We know this much Scott Drew can recruit and he can coach.  NOTE:  Baylor fans it's my fault, after I completed this account yesterday the Bears go out and lose to West Virginia.  I take the blame.  

My belief
DeMarcus ‘Boogie’ Cousins will be in a Kings uniform for the balance of this season.  I will go out on a limb and state Boogie will be in Sacramento next year as well.  Don’t misunderstand my statement the correct trade scenario and he becomes history with the Kings.  Boogie despite the fact he’s a ‘head case’ at times is the best Big Man in the NBA all we need to do is check his numbers.  Both sets of numbers, he’s tied with Russell Westbrook for league lead in technical fouls with 12.  His temper even gets him in trouble with chairs. 

In a recent game against the Warriors he was upset receiving his third foul in the second quarter. He kicked the chair and threw delivered several punches before sitting down. For his action he received his 12th technical foul.  Now for the good, the 26-year old is now in his 7th season and his scoring has gone up every year.  Boogie’s game has expanded to the 3-point line where he’s become a reliable shooter from range.  Boogie could be found elsewhere next season however a monumental trade must be consummated.