Thursday, January 11, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

“Riddle me this”
The headline above was often uttered by Batman’s adversary The Riddler.  The Urban Dictionary defines a riddle in this manner, “To provide an answer to a question that has no apparent answer.” Riddle me this, how come Thunder games in the KC Metro are blacked out on NBA TV.  Riddle me this, Thunder games telecast on ESPN, TNT or Fox Sports Midwest are available for viewing.   

“A broken clock is correct twice a day”
This is a rarity for me, one of those days I agree with a Stephen A. Smith position regarding a subject.  The early portion of First Take was a discussion on LaVar Ball and his over the top persona.  Smith said: “People are going to begin to believe its Lonzo doing all the complaining about Luke Walton as coach.”  That certainly is a possibility although Lonzo’s got to be in the most difficult position of all.  

He’s still LaVar Ball’s son and the appearance (please note I said appearance) its likely Lonzo can say little to influence his father. He cannot get his father to tone down his rhetoric regarding decisions that are not his to make.  If LaVar doesn’t tone it down, he could be forcing the Lakers to trade Lonzo.  As I’ve stated time and again we can have our own take on whether Luke Walton is a good or bad coach but its just that.  Its our opinion and will certainly not influence the Lakers one way or another.  The problem again is ESPN and others constantly placing a mic in front of LaVar or writing every word the man expresses.

Dropped in out the sky
Donovan Mitchell’s stock has continued to rise, enough to be considered for rookie of the year.  Who is Mitchell you ask, he was the 13th pick in the first round of the NBA draft by the Nuggets and later traded to the Jazz.  Mitchell is a 6-3 shooting guard who played his college basketball at Louisville.  He’s scoring at nearly 19 points a game, on the Jazz depth chart Mitchell is the starter at the two guard.  More than likely Ben Simmons will be named as the top rookie for 2018 however don’t forget about Mitchell.  He literally “dropped in out of the sky”, arriving in the NBA without a great deal of notoriety. 

NCAA Division I Champions
Just in case you need this information for trivia purposes this is your review.  There are 7 schools with two championship trophies in the cupboard and two with three championships.  Below are the top five teams and the number of championships won.      

North Carolina-6
Duke & Indiana-5

We hear so much in basketball conversation about Kansas and its basketball heritage, where do they stand in this conversation?  The Jayhawks won it all in 1952, 1988 and 2008.