Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

The Rooney Rule
Viewing ESPN’s Around the Horn the Rooney rule was mentioned during a portion of the program.  The rule was proposed by the late Art Rooney owner of the NFL Steelers and was adopted by the NFL, it’s intent was to level the playing field in hiring black and minority coaches.  I’ve lost count but at least 4 NFL coaches have been fired since Sunday. 

The Rooney Rule is a National Football League policy that requires league teams to interview minority candidates for head coaching and senior football operation jobs. It is sometimes cited as an example of affirmative action, though there is no quota or preference given to minorities in the hiring of candidates.” 

At this point no decision has been reached however it appears former coach Jon Gruden who is white will likely be a hired by the Raiders without interviewing any candidates.  The NBA might not be flawless in its role of racial impartiality however the NBA never had to institute a policy like the Rooney Rule. 


Another nickname might be more appropriate
Kansas State fans are likely to believe I’m picking on the Wildcats, far from it.  This morning a local reporter providing the Kansas State-West Virginia game said this.  “West Virginia met the Wildcats in the “Octagon of Doom.”  First off, I didn’t check the home record of K-State which overall might be good.  Below is the won-loss record over the past four seasons for K-State.

2016-17 won 21 lost 14 
2015-16 won 17 lost 16
2014-15 won 15 lost 17
2013-14 won 20 lost 13

It’s a little difficult to believe they might scare anyone with this past record, just my thought.  By the way K-State lost the HOME game 77-69. 

I’m the general manager….
I’ve replace Rob Pelinka as the GM of the Lakers on a temporary basis.  My goal is a trade to acquire a much-needed valuable veteran, this is my proposal.  The Lakers receive Boogie Cousins from the Pelicans in exchange for the following.  Combo guard Jordan Clarkson and power forward Julius Randle along with two second round picks, one in 2019 the other in 2020.  I don’t have the ESPN trade tool to determine if it meets the NBA conditions to be consummated.  If the proposal fails to meet criteria, then one or more draft choices could be eliminated. 

Is this true
Tim Duncan retired in 2016…. he was drafted by the Spurs in 1997 and spent all those years in Spurs Silver and Black.  NBA history might have turned out different for the Spurs and Magic if this free-agent signing had occurred.  What if former Spurs turned announcer Bruce Bowen is correct in the story he relates.  By 2000 we could say Duncan had established himself as an NBA talent, free-agent Duncan was testing the waters and met with the Magic and GM John Gabriel. 

Gabriel suggested Duncan stay over and meet with Doc Rivers then coach of the Magic, Duncan meeting with Rivers asked if his family could fly on the charter to road games.  He was supposed to have been informed by Rivers that was not possible.  We have no method to determine if this story is true, Duncan is retired while Rivers is now coaching the Clippers.  As for Gabriel he’s with the Knicks.  Bowen working in the role of broadcaster and analyst is the only one talking.