Saturday, January 13, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

Should he be penalized for life?  I speak of Brian Bowen ex-Louisville Cardinal freshman now South Carolina Gamecock.  Bowen became embroiled in the Adidas pay for play story which broke over the summer, the condensed version, his father was reported to have received $100,000 from the shoe and clothing apparel company.  The 5-star prospect and McDonalds All American was being recruited by countless schools before eventually settling on Louisville. 

Once the scandal broke the school revoked his scholarship and Bowen was cast aside.  In an Outside the Lines story on ESPN Bowen claimed he had no idea his father had taken any money from Adidas.  Frank Martin South Carolina coach received permission from the school and offered him a scholarship.  Bowen must be cleared by the NCAA to play, whatever the outcome a shadow will continue to hang over this prospect. Is he truly innocent as he claims or do questions remain regarding his honesty? 

The Road Warriors
The road has not been kind to Mizzou since the SEC move.  One of those real scary teams to play at home is Arkansas, there are others however a journey to Fayetteville is at the top of the list.  It’s more than ex-Mizzou Coach Mike Anderson, back in the day former coaches Nolan Richardson (Arkansas) and Norm Stewart (Mizzou) played a home and home series at the time Mizzou was in the former Big 8 Conference.  Coach Martin’s baby Tigers will play the Razorbacks tonight and hopefully the outcome will be fruitful for Mizzou. 

Half-way point
We are almost to that time in the NBA season so another check on Laker rookie Lonzo Ball is in order.  His Laker team managed to beat an injury depleted Spurs team at home 93-81, what about this game?  Ball shot .636 from the floor scoring 18 points along with 10 rebounds 6 assists and 4 steals.  Most interesting was former player Greg Anthony’s assessment of Ball’s shot.  Anthony said the shot is unorthodox however it’s not “broken.” 

I agree with Charles Barkley it is different to see a right-handed shooter move the ball from his left-side to shoot.  At the same time, I remember (and you might too) the funky shot of former NBA player Kevin Martin.  Martin managed a 12-year NBA career scoring over 12,000 points with a bizarre shot.  Finally, Laker great “Big Game” James Worthy indicates he believes in Magic Johnson’s ability to attract free agents and the talent of Lonzo Ball.   

Celebrity seating
I’m watching the Sixers-Knicks at MSG and I had a thought.  It’s amusing we can spot the seats of Spike Lee and Jack Nicholson from above the floor.  Sure, they are seated on the front row however the television camera always seems to locates them.     There others comedian/actor Chris Rock can sometimes be spotted at a Knicks game.  Entertainer Jay-Z no longer a Nets owner is liable to show up in New York, Houston or Los Angeles.  Comedian/actor Mike Epps was born and grew up in Indianapolis, so I guess it should be expected he’s a Pacer fan. 

Actor Billy Crystal once claimed he became a Clipper fan because tickets for Laker games were unavailable.  Singer Jimmy Buffett was once ejected from a Heat game because he believed his favorite team had been short-changed by a game official.  We know Florida resident Tiger Woods appears at Magic games when his schedule allows.  This account would not be complete without mentioning entertainer Drake who is just as liable to show up at a Raptors game or in Lexington for the Kentucky Wildcats.  I don’t believe we’ve seen actress Ashley Judd at any NBA games, but her presence is certainly noted at her Alma mater Kentucky.   

Why is change so difficult to accept
I’ve covered this issue in the past however it became topic once again.  Kara Lawson is the analyst for the Wizards, she replaced Phil Chenier who held the job for several years.  Lawson has college (Tennessee) and WNBA play on her resume, in addition she wasn’t just given the job this year she’s worked in the broadcast industry in several roles since her retirement from active play.  I read two email respondents on this change one complimentary the other well……you draw your own conclusion.  The Steve and Phil team was really good; I don't understand the need to change it. If it ain't broke don't fix it”. 

How about this one: “Call me a skeptic, but I don't believe in "right person, right place, right time," - I'd be willing to bet the decision to get rid of Phil was made with her in mind as a replacement, and for what, the sake of diversity? I've heard her call games for ESPN, and she simply isn't very good, and before you call me sexist, I enjoy Doris Burke calling games.”  Finally, the one I enjoyed most: “Last time I was skeptical of the "new guy" was when Dennis Edwards (Motown Temptations) replaced David Ruffin. We all know how that worked out.” Kara Lawson and Doris Burke of ESPN along with Sarah Kustok YES Network all bring expertise to the game despite the fact they are a different gender.