Thursday, February 22, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

Phi Slama Jama
Sports teams have been given nicknames over the years, a few for basketball are Showtime (Lakers), Bad Boys (Pistons) or The Dream Team (1992 U.S. Olympic Team).  The Houston Cougars in 1982-83 were nicknamed Phi Slama Jama, the name was a reference to the numerous dunks registered by the Cougars during their games.  With the likes of Clyde “The Glide” Drexler and Akeem Olajuwon and company they once recorded 13 dunks in a game. 

Olajuwon would later correct the spelling of his first name to Hakeem.  All the starters plus several reserves were a fast-break high wire act.  We are unsure to this day if the team ran any plays.  As good as this team was top to bottom they would be losers in the 1983 NCAA Championship game.  They lost to North Carolina State 54-52 in what must be considered one of the biggest upsets in NCAA Championship history, see for yourself, paste the link below.

I realize the word is spelled T E R R I B L E, on the occasions Charles Barkley says it sounds as though he’s saying: turrrible.  Mizzou’s game against Ole Miss on Tuesday was turrrible I should have figured it might turn out like this.  Ole Miss losers of like six games or something in a row, head coach stepped down the day prior.  Mizzou was ripe for an upset, I lost count of how many shots taken early in the game Mizzou missed. 

Most were not bad shots they just couldn’t locate the basket.  In the second half after allowing Ole Miss a large lead Mizzou came roaring back only to allow them to tie the game and win it in OT.  Did I mention the turnovers oh well can’t cover the whole thing?  This loss sucked big time, although the score was close (90-87) I'd almost prefer to get blown out than lose an ugly game like this....oh well it is what it is.   

Jacksonville Who?
That was the title of a documentary telecast by NBA TV, it’s focus was the championship run by the 1970 Jacksonville University team.  The school had two 7-foot players in the starting lineup at the same time.  7-foot 2-inch Artis Gilmore was at the center position along with 7-foot Pembrook Burrows playing power forward.  I wasn’t sure, the documentary confirmed my belief this was the first twin-tower combo in basketball history.  Jacksonville would face UCLA for the NCAA Championship that year.       

Jacksonville lost the 1970 championship game 80-69 but finished the season with a 27 and 2 record.  Rather than detail any additional information see it for yourself, it’s worth 90 minutes of your time.  As for a couple of the participants Gilmore went on to a Hall of Fame career playing for several ABA-NBA teams.  Burrows drafted by the Sonics in the third round didn’t make the team and passed on playing in Europe.  Instead his career was spent in law enforcement, he would go on to become the tallest Florida Highway Patrolman in their history.   

Slow news day
One of the local hosts on 610 Sports Radio who never, ever discusses the NBA chose to relate an NBA story.  I didn’t listen to the conversation from the beginning, so I have no idea how it began.  He “appeared” critical of Warriors Coach Steve Kerr for allowing players to coach the team at a point.  Even stranger he takes this one step further indicating this arrangement would not work in the NFL.  Although not present in today’s baseball there have been playing managers, same for the NBA.  Despite appearing to take an adversarial view of the Kerr move he contradicted his argument……. really strange.