Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

X marks the spot
Monday evening Rivals 3-star point guard Xavier Pinson announced his commitment.  Pinson will be attending Mizzou in the fall to play for Coach Cuonzo Martin.  The 6 foot 3 inch guard attends Chicago's Simeon High School, the school has produced basketball talents Jabari Parker and Derrick Rose.  This is a good move for Pinson who should have plenty of opportunity to play the point for the Tigers.  

They remain a work in progress   
I had to remind Dwayne again he made the call in December.  He made this statement after it was announced Michael Porter Jr. was loss for the season.  Many of the Mizzou faithful including yours truly were crying about the development of no Michael Porter Jr. in the lineup.  Dwayne said: “This might be a blessing in disguise in a manner of speaking, they (Mizzou) must come together as a team and not be one dimensional.” 

Boy was Dwayne correct, Mizzou has lost games they should have won but I’m a “glass half full guy rather than half empty.”  They have also registered wins that would have been losses last season and years prior.  They have also won on the road something Mizzou teams of the past were unable to accomplish.  At this point my desire is an NCAA Tournament berth and the season will be a success.  In the future…. well let’s allow the future to be just that. 

I mentioned last week a gathering of local radio guys figured Mizzou was “out of the picture for an NCAA berth.”  This is my takeaway, last week (before beating number 21 Kentucky) Mizzou had a 29 RPI.  Mizzou has a higher RPI than West Virginia, Louisville and Texas A&M and a few others.  RPI doesn’t always reveal the truth, but don’t you think it might have been a little more practical for Kevin Keitzman and crew to check first before issuing a bogus declaration.   

They have no choice     
There’s an old joke that says: “You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your relatives.”  That statement certainly applies to dad LaVar Ball.  From a portion of my writing you might tend to believe I have an issue with the two brothers currently playing in Lithuania, that is not the case.  LaMelo and LiAngelo are their father’s sons don’t hate on them due to their dad.  Both or one might have an NBA career but as much as he’d like to claim it he can’t. 

Whatever skill they exhibit on the basketball court belongs to them alone.  LaVar could claim he’s “trained” them and that might be true but there is another key here.  He cannot make nary a jump shot or dribble a basketball past defenders the brothers must accomplish this on their own.  LaVar Ball is not the first father whose son(s) turned pro.  There are so many fathers who fit here the count is astronomical, LaVar you are not as unique as you’d like us to believe.   

“Wait’ll they get a load of me” 
The line above was made famous in the Batman movie in 1989, Jack Nicholson in the role of The Joker made the statement.  He was referring to his change in appearance and what would people think.  We might make the same statement about LeBron James if the story is true.  We have no method to verify the story however reports exist LeBron is considering the Warriors as a possible free-agent destination.  He might also be saying: “Wait’ll the get a load of me” and the destination I’ve chosen.  If he should leave the Cavs for the Warriors I know at least one person who will be highly upset.  One of the barbers in the shop where my hair is cut was critical of Kevin Durant, he said: “Why do you join a team that just beat you.” 

If you remember he joined the Warriors after his Thunder team was defeated by the Warriors.  It might not be this season however the same scenario would exist, LeBron would be joining the team that’s beaten him twice for the NBA Championship.  Prior to this being published LeBron denied the story however he will be a free-agent July 1.  This is my view, if he intends to leave Cleveland there are several possible destinations.  The best possible destinations if he wants another championship is Houston.  New York and the Knicks are the second-best choice just because its New York. 

And the winner is………..
I read someone stated, “There are only two or three teams that could win an NBA Championship.”  How about the other end of the spectrum, not losers but winners who “DON’T WIN?”  I am providing you several playoff bound team’s unlikely to compete for the championship.  Annually they lose at some stage of the playoffs, it’s the first or second round.  Rarely do they compete for the Western or Eastern Division crown, who are they:   
