Monday, June 11, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

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Part B
Okay, LeBron decides to leave Cleveland where are the logical landing spots, he could punch his ticket to any destination in the NBA.  Below are proposed destinations for LeBron, not featured is salary cap or players who might be traded or released to accommodate all the moving parts.  This is their list however my assessment of the teams they chose, enjoy.               
Rockets-They have Chris Paul and James Harden dominating the basketball, will LeBron fit?
Spurs-Best fit for a variety of reasons, Pop has a man-crush on LeBron and its mutual.
Clippers-Owns a home in Southern Cal but this is not a championship team adding him.     
Lakers-See above.
Sixers-Simmons dominating the ball backed by the stealthy talent of Fultz, could it work adding LeBron?
Heat-This one is real funny, Pat Riley would love him back so would his buddy Wade it ain’t happenin’. 
Warriors-Simply stated this cannot work, LeBron dominates the ball.  Curry’s the point and even he doesn’t always control the action.  Could LeBron adjust to this enormous change?     
Don’t kick him out yet 
I’ve read a couple of accounts indicating “Mizzou no longer needs Michael Porter Sr.”  The writers attempted to convince us by stating MJP is headed for the NBA, brother Jontay may be on his way out as well although not hiring an agent his status is not as solid.  UPDATE: Jontay decided in favor of returning.  These same folks point out there is no requirement to retain senior as a member of the coaching staff.  Whoa, hold on a minute their son, do you assume senior has little if any basketball capability?   
I would be the first to admit Michael Jr. and Jontay both enrolled at Mizzou due to their fathers’ presence on Mizzou’s coaching staff.  I would also state it might be a clever idea to hold off dismissing the father there is another Porter who plays.  Corban a 6-foot 3-inch shooting guard, school begins in the fall he will be a junior at Father Tolton High School in Columbia (MO).  Is Corban as good as his older brothers you ask?  I have no idea however don’t dismiss the father too quickly, he might not be Mizzou bound but no need of taking a chance.
No doubt
In the same manner as most fans I get caught up in scoring.  It is far easier to look at a player scoring total rather than defensive factors.  He switched at the correct time and picked up a player he wasn’t guarding” or this one “He blocked out his man allowing a teammate to grab the rebound.”  Unless we are discussing blocked shots, which are maintained as part of the box score it’s difficult at times to highlight the defensive effort of a player or a team.  

In the recent NBA championship, it is far easier to point toward Durant’s 43 points in Game three or Steph Curry’s shooting in Game two as key to the win. The Cavs didn’t win this series due to their defensive effort which was inconsistent or plain lacking at times.  I’m not stating the Cavs don’t play defense.  The Cavs presence on the defensive side of the ball was not as evident as that of the Warriors.  One of my chief complaints especially by casual NBA fans, “They don’t play any defense in the NBA.”  Let’s just say its not as evident at certain times as it is at others…. believe you me they play defense.