Sunday, June 24, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

I’ll take their word
I’m unsure If I mentioned this on my social media platform or Words eye view.  I’m going to mention it again, I will take the word of almost anyone associated directly with the game over a number in the media.  Players, former players, coaches and general managers are always going to be given consideration by me over the media.  These folks often have insight into the game members of the media and fans sometimes lack. 

With the disclaimer out front allow me to proceed to the subject at hand.  Laker pick Mo Wagner has been ‘beat-up’ by a few fans and media members.  He’s slow afoot or he’s not good at rebounding the ball’ are just a few of the statements I read and heard since Thursday night.  GM Rob Plenika said, *“Kyle Kuzma and Josh Hart were actually at Moe Wagner’s workout, and both of them were elbowing Earvin and I, saying, ‘Man, this guy would be fun to play with. He plays with energy, he’s light on his feet,'” Pelinka said after the Draft concluded. 

*Lakers Nation

MPJ update
The Nuggets have indicated Michael Porter Jr. will not play on their summer league team.  We are also hearing reports the Nuggets might shut him down for 2018-19 allowing his back to fully heal.  I’m sure there are many in Mizzou or Sixer Nation that might not be pleased if this move should occur, but I say why not.  After witnessing the return of Embiid and Simmons I’m okay if the Nugget medical staff determines this is the best move.      

We don’t know
Kawhi Leonard is a quiet All-Star, 98% of the time he allows his play on the court to speak for itself he rarely provides any clues on his thoughts or view.  The 2% says ‘I want out of San Antonio’, do the Spurs want to trade him is the next question.  During the season a few players including Tony Parker met with Kawhi to discuss when he was returning to the lineup…. nothing came of the meeting.  Recently coach Pop flew to Los Angeles in a face to face meeting, again nothing came of the meeting that could be considered progress.  More recently former Spurs player turned broadcaster Bruce Bowen publicly blasted Kawhi. 

Bowen was expressing his view of the situation however I seriously doubt his statement causes Kawhi to move 1 centimeter.  It’s also been reported the Lakers contacted the Spurs in hopes of discussing a trade…again the word from the Spurs was ‘Thanks but no thanks, were not trading Kawhi.  As pointed out earlier he’s a restricted free-agent so he cannot simply sign with another team July 1, the Spurs could trade him to a team other than the Lakers but that fails to resolve the issue.  It’s reported Kawhi is only interested in Los Angeles, he would become a one-year rent a player in another location.  Would you trade for a player no matter his value if you knew he would eventually leave?     

Different from dad  
Nobody would mistake Shareef O’Neal for his famous dad Shaquille, he's 6 feet 10 inches versus the 7-foot 1-inch dad.  Shareef is a svelte 205 pounds, his dad at the end of his NBA career 350 pounds.  Shareet is a forward while dad Shaquille played the center position throughout his basketball livelihood.  There are other differences between father and son too, Shareef gravitated toward basketball much later than his dad.  

The major scouting sites apart from one awarded Shareef 5-stars so that should provide us they believe he’s got talent.  Shareef committed to Arizona early however the turmoil surrounding the program last fall caused him to change his mind.  In late February 2018 he decided to remain home and play for Steve Alford at UCLA.  Shareef is listed as a power forward and might not have finished his growth spurt or weight addition for that matter.  Video indicates he’s got skill on the basketball court whether that translates to success at the next level is he to be determined.