Saturday, June 16, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

Drip, drip, drip  
The faucet that was dripping has now been fully opened.  I’m referring to the Spurs and their disgruntled forward Kawhi Leonard.  After missing the 2016-18 season I believed he was rehabbing and would return to the Spurs lineup in October ready to play.  He might be ready to play but it’s likely to be with some other team and not the Spurs.  I wrote a yet to be published account indicating I believed Kawhi and coach Pop would sit down iron out the issues and all would be right with the world, I guess I’ll delete that report now. 
It’s been reported Kawhi wants to play in Los Angeles specifically with the Lakers.  He’s a SoCal guy so that portion of the story is not that shocking.  Kawhi is a restricted free-agent, he can’t just “walk away”, a deal must be struck between the Spurs and the Lakers to accommodate him.  The Lakers have plenty of cap space to sign Kawhi but who do the Lakers give up making the proposed trade work?  Luol Deng would be included in a trade but who else leaves for Texas?  The Lakers have a bunch of pieces besides Deng, but who would the Spurs be willing to accept since this trade would impact two Western Conference foes?   
Change is in the air
The ongoing justice department investigation of college basketball might have prompted this pending change.  Commissioner Adam Silver sent a memo to NBA teams indicating eligibility rules will likely change by the time the 2021 NBA draft rolls around.  No further information is provided however the belief is high school players will be allowed in the draft once again.  If this is indeed the case it makes sense on several levels. 
One and done athletes will become a thing of the past, there will be no requirement for a player to spend a year in college and then apply to the NBA.  In addition, players will no longer leave school hoping and wishing to be drafted.  In several instances there have been players leaving for the draft and never hearing their name called.  In addition, if we look at other professional sports they all allow 18-year old’s in the league, the only exception is the NFL.  Professional football is far different, the physical aspects demand a 21 or 22-year old body. 
I’m on a quest
Jason Kidd’s had two head coaching jobs with no prior coaching experience and fired from one of them.   Stan Van Gundy has served as head coach at three stops with little post-season success.  Jeff Hornacek was fired by the Suns and this past season the Knicks decided to let him go.  Frank Vogel’s contract was not renewed at Indiana, but he caught on with the Magic.  I’m sure there are more out there but I just wanted you to consider this fact.  
This is not intended as criticism of these coaches, unlike the others above the Warriors have been Jackson’s one and only coaching post.  Jackson sits next to Jeff Van Gundy and Mike Breen broadcasting games for ESPN/ABC on a weekly basis during the regular season.  Jackson was partially responsible for the success of this Warriors team.  With exception of Durant all the starters were acquired while Jackson coached them.  I don’t want this to appear as though Steve Kerr has done nothing.  Kerr took over and guided the Warriors to the promised land but Jackson laid the foundation.  Why can’t the man at least get an interview for a head coaching job? 
On the recruiting trail 
The college basketball season concludes, and Cuonzo Martin and staff hit the road scouting prospective talent.  Although this prospect hails from California he’s got a connection to Mizzou already.  Josh Christopher is a 6-foot 4-inch 200-pound shooting guard, Christopher hails from Lakewood a city in metro Los Angeles.  This Class of 2020 prospect has 9 offers waiting for him and on the list is one from Mizzou.  The strength and conditioning coach at Mizzou is Nicodemus Christopher, cousin to Josh.  Don’t read something into this that’s not there, I ain’t saying’ he’s headed to Mizzou however that might be a possibility. 
In the Class of 2019 is 6-foot 7-inch 210-pound small forward Malik Hall, Hall is a little closer to Mizzou.  He attends Sunrise Christian Academy in Wichita Kansas.  He’s got 24 offers and one of those is from Mizzou.  A short distance from Mizzou Arena is Rock Bridge High School home to Isiaih Mosley a 6-foot 4-inch shooting guard also in the Class of 2019.  Mosley is a 3-star prospect and has an offer on the table from Mizzou.  From the City of Normal in central Illinois we uncover Francis Okoro, a 6-foot 9-inch forward who attends Normal Community West High School.  Okoro a Class of 2019 prospect has an offer from Mizzou as well.  Tray Jackson a 6-foot 9-inch power forward from Michigan received an offer during his June campus visit.