Friday, June 8, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

Pillow talk or "Days of our Lives"
All of us have those conversations with our spouse or significant other, the talk that just exists between the two.  Rarely does the subject matter become public except in the rarest of instances.  The topics of these conversations often cover a wide range of stuff, frequently work related.  That was the case supposedly for Bryan Colangelo former president of basketball operations for the Sixers.  As I first reported I’m unsure how the story “first got legs” however it was reported there was more than one twitter account attributed to Colangelo.  These accounts detailed information regarding Sixer sensitive non-public and club-related information was detailed via tweets. 

I don’t have a twitter account however there may be a valid reason for having more than one account, there is no valid reason for communicating non-public and sensitive information.  In any event an investigation by an outside organization hired by the Sixers determined 4 of the 5 accounts were regulated by Colangelo’s wife.  If she is the guilty party, we might ask what purpose did it serve communicating confidential information to the public?  Whoever is guilty should realize pillow talk is just that, it should remain in the privacy of the home.  On Thursday Colangelo resigned and coach Brett Brown will assume Colangelo’s duties on an interim basis.  The timing on this news is huge taking place two weeks before the draft. 

My friends and acquaintances
This is written prior to tonight’s game, I believe I must clear the air once again.  I DON’T HATE LEBRON JAMES, notice the sentence is all caps as I loudly proclaim my belief.  As a reminder I’ve never questioned his ability, he’s been the best there is for quite a while.  I assume their issue is my refusal to refer to LeBron as the best.  Over the course of his 14-year career I’ve witnessed (and so have you) several amazing feats on the court by LeBron. 

Does he dominate the ball and the game at times…most certainly?  This is the key for me, can you state in truth he’s done something never seen on the basketball court?  In 1996 the NBA wanted to honor their 50th best players in the 50th year of the association.  In 2021 the NBA’s 75th anniversary they may choose to select another team, there is no way LeBron James is not included in the number.  I know what your thinking I can read minds, your saying.  “Boy I thought he’d say Kobe Bryant is the best ever.”  See I surprised you, didn’t I?

I remember
I saw a comparison of Joel Embiid, DeAndre Ayton and Greg Oden.  All three stand 7 feet tall, they are all close to 250 pounds or more and all have the same wingspan.  We know Embiid plays for the Sixers and Ayton is about to be the first pick in the 2018 draft, as for Oden, where is he?  Oden was the first pick in the 2007 draft by the Blazers, instant stardom was guaranteed for the Ohio State product.  One scout said, “He’s the second coming of Bill Russell” that’s how highly he was viewed. 

A series of injuries kept Oden on the sidelines often, after 5 seasons he joined the Heat for the 2013-14 season in 2015 he left for China to play for the Jiangsu Dragons.  In February of 2016 Oden left the Dragons and at age 28 his basketball career is essentially over.  Oden is now 30 years old now and with his history of injuries we can only shake our head and say, “what might have been”.  In fairness we cannot be sure if there wasn’t a medical problem for Oden dating back to his high school years. 

Is it real?    
Kansas City has the NFL Chiefs and MLB Royals, the NBA Kings once called Kansas City home.  Sorry soccer fans I know you love Sporting KC, but they don’t have the mass following of the Chiefs or Royals.  Back to the point, Kawhi Leonard remained sidelined through the end of the regular season recovering from a quad injury.  Reports circulated he was healed but for reasons not fully detailed he didn’t play.  After reading the account my usual follow-up is to read fan letters, one stuck out.  The fan wrote “The problem Kawhi wants to play in a major market.” 

San Antonio like Kansas City is considered a small market city, is the claim valid?  I’ve always believed if you have a major league team you are a major league city.  No doubt here, in all sports New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and maybe Dallas are going to receive the greater amount of media coverage.  How about the athletes, I might be wrong but believe there are other incentives that tie an athlete to a city?  State and local tax, commercial opportunities and night life plus other factors must impact a decision.  What do you think?  I may have missed several factors; can you add a number?