Saturday, June 30, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

Sometimes I’m guilty too
I hope I’m not being too negative at times in Words eye view, sometimes stories often cause a negative response.  I’m reading a story on Luka Doncic and I follow that by reading comments from other readers of the story.  The first response I pulled up the writer simply wrote ‘Darko Milicic’.  Of course, this was a reference to the highly touted 2nd pick in the 2003 NBA draft who simply wasn’t NBA ready.  The letter that followed it ask the question, ‘What does Milicic have to do with Doncic?  They literally have nothing in common.’ 
The writer of the second letter is correct, the two don’t play the same position the only theme that might remotely be common both come from Euro basketball. Of course, we know the basis for his cryptic message, he believes at least at this point Doncic is going to be a bust in the manner of Darko.  Unlike Stephen A. Smith and his Porzingis rant in 2015 we’ll never know the final story should Doncic play at the level many believe he’s capable of.  I’ll make the same statement once again, at least allow Doncic or anyone else to walk on to an NBA court before deciding they can’t play. 

High school to the NBA
Anfernee Simons became the 24th pick in the first round of the 2018 NBA draft when he was chosen by the Blazers. Simons became the first American high school player drafted since 2005, his high school class graduated in 2017 and he’s already 19-years of age.  Who is Simons, he’s a 6-foot 4-inch 183-pound shooting guard from Altamonte Springs a city in metro Orlando (FL). 
He attended high school at IMG Academy in Bradenton Florida.  Simons won’t move into the starting lineup, for the time being that job belongs to CJ McCollum.  Don’t set your expectation meter too high for Simons, Kobe Bryant didn’t move into the starting lineup until his third year.  The move from high school to the NBA is a ‘Grand Canyon’ leap so don’t expect instant success.    

No more
I refuse to write anything more regarding LeBron James, Paul George or Kawhi Leonard.  There are far too many stories from far too many sources floating about.  You want to know how silly this entire affair has become?  On First Take Thursday morning Stephen A. Smith went on the air with this account.  ‘According to my sources LeBron James texted Kevin Durant’, he offered no more details other than dropping that bit of information. 
My initial thought, why in the world would LeBron have to check with anyone other than his family on a proposed move?  Secondly why is he reaching out to KD?  KD had gone on record earlier indicating he was re-signing with the Warriors.  To top this off late Thursday evening we witnessed an interview on NBA TV, Joe Vardon writer for claims no such text message occurred.  This free-agent frenzy has reached a point where it’s become ludicrous.  

My list
A Mizzou fan compiled his list of the top five basketball players in history.  My list is compiled from players starting in 1960 and forward.  They are not in any order, but unlike the poll I saw I couldn’t stop at 5 my list contains 10 Mizzou players.     
Anthony Peeler 1998-92
Willie Smith 1974-76
Steve Stipanovich 1979-83
Derrick Chievous 1984-1988
Kareem Rush 1999-02
Arthur Johnson 2001-04
Jon Sunvold 1980-83
Doug Smith 1988-91
Larry Drew 1977-80