Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

Why do I bother?
You’ve met LaVar Ball before, not THAT LaVar Ball but someone quite similar.  The guy who is always saying outrageous stuff and lives to provoke controversy.  The problem there are far too many LaVar Ball’s out here, guys who believe they are smarter and wiser than everyone around them.  They make the most outlandish statements like this one.  Kevin Durant isn’t good enough to sign with Big Baller Brand.”  I will allow that to sink in and make no further comment. 
He fell out of bed……
Dan Gilbert Cavs owner fell out of bed and bumped his head, that’s a possibility based on his reported statement.  He said, “I can build a championship team without LeBron James.”  How easily Gilbert forgets his own history, this is a portion of the letter owner Gilbert wrote Cavs fans when LeBron left for Miami.  "I PERSONALLY GUARANTEE THAT THE CLEVELAND CAVALIERS WILL WIN AN NBA CHAMPIONSHIP BEFORE THE SELF-TITLED FORMER 'KING' WINS ONE".  Notice all caps, now let’s check the record during the years LeBron was in Miami.  How did that winning thing go Danny boy while LeBron was playing elsewhere?     
19-63, 21-45, 24-58 and 33-49 doesn’t appear close to an NBA championship.  In fact the Cavs missed the playoffs all four years, granted the first season would have caught the Cavs off-guard but how about the following years?   Gilbert reminds me of a few sports owners, they trust their success in the business world instinctively translates to the sports world, you and I know better.  The most successful teams in the NBA have been those ownership allowed the basketball capable front-office to handle operations.  I’m almost ready to refer to Gilbert as the NBA’s version of Jerry Jones. 
Best athlete available?
I posed this question previously but thought it worth exploring again as we approach the NBA draft.  The old NFL Cowboys under general manager Tex Schramm and coach Tom Landry would conduct the draft on talent rather than position.  This is an example; the Cowboys have two outstanding defensive backs on the roster.  Depth wise they didn’t require another defensive back yet when it was their turn they selected one, they perceived that defensive back to be the best athlete. 
The Cowboys drafted athletic talent over position necessity.  One of two issues could occur, the newly acquired defensive back beats out one of the two on the roster or the pick is traded to fill a need elsewhere.  I’m old school, I don’t do that analytics crap, interview the prospect(s), work them out and if they meet your needs draft them.  This is twofold, I wanted to provide some history and I have no idea who the Lakers pick with their 25th pick.  Doesn’t matter I suppose if it turns out to be a choice that will help them. 
SEC basketball
Once upon a time the mere mention of SEC basketball we’d think Kentucky, Kentucky and maybe Florida under Billy Donovan.  The discussion began and ended with those two teams however a change is very much in evident.  In recent years Auburn, Tennessee and Mizzou have become “players” most recently.  South Carolina and Arkansas were down this past season, but Frank Martin and Mike Anderson’s record indicate their teams should rebound. 
Bryce Drew was brought in to take over the Vanderbilt program two seasons ago and given time should turn the Commodore program around.  Kentucky and Florida continue to play high-quality basketball and this “football” conference has finally decided to seriously entertain winning basketball.  Bet you didn’t realize the RPI indicates the SEC finished ahead of the Big Ten, Pac-12 and several other conferences this past season.  The Big 12 was in first place followed by the Big East the ACC and the SEC in 4th place.