Thursday, June 28, 2018

Basketball from a fans perspective

Debate is concluded
Ben Simmons of the Sixers is 2018 NBA Rookie of the Year, the debate is concluded.  A segment of fans and many in the media believed the award belonged to Donovan Mitchell of the Jazz.  Their argument, Simmons was drafted in 2016 but an injury caused him to miss 2016-17.  Mitchell was a 2017 choice by the Jazz and had an outstanding season too.  I’ve always been on the side of Simmons not because he’s necessarily the best but the rules.  They say nothing about the year a player is drafted they state the season a player begins play.  Let’s travel way back, Jerry Lucas was drafted by the Cincinnati Royals in 1962 but did not play until 1963.  

The defunct American Basketball League Cleveland Pipers signed Lucas to a contract forcing him to miss the 1962-63 season. The ABL would fold and the next season Lucas began play in the NBA and was named 1964 Rookie of the Year for the Royals.  We move forward to 1987, former Spurs center David Robinson was drafted that year in but due to his military commitment didn’t arrive in the NBA until 1989 he too would be named Rookie of the Year.  How about an international player, Pau Gasol played for FC Barcelona from 1998-2001 yet won Rookie of the Year for the Grizzlies in 2001.  Piston forward Blake Griffin broke his left knee cap and missed the 2009-10 season…. Griffin was NBA Rookie of the Year in 2011.  I didn’t research any further, if you believe Mitchell had a superior season that’s okay but don’t use the year Simmons was drafted to validate your argument.     
‘This is the end my friend’
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend
The end
You might recognize the chorus from ‘The End’, the 1967 rock classic by Jim Morrison and the Doors.  I’m taking liberty and applying it to the break-up of Doc and Austin Rivers from the Clippers.  Young Rivers has been traded to the Wizards in exchange for center Marcin Gortat.  In addition to the break-up of the Rivers clan this move signals the future departure of DeAndre Jordan, no requirement for two starting centers.  Doc Rivers is no longer involved in player decisions this move must have been initiated by Jerry West and maybe owner Steve Ballmer.   
Who needs free-agency, this is news because it breaks up one of the most blatant examples of nepotism in the NBA.  I know you say I’m being too critical of the Rivers family that is not the case.  My kids are special because they are part of me, I’d help them in any manner I could short of providing them employment.  Allow a further explanation, Doc Rivers is an employee he’s not the owner.  His son was hired by him but is paid by Donald Sterling previously and later Steve Ballmer.  At the time Austin became a free-agent nobody entertained signing him, what does the former director of player personnel Doc Rivers do…. he hires Austin.
Home run, dunk or catching passes 
On more than one occasion we’ve covered those multi-star athletes.  That’s the case here, Yankee Giancarlo Stanton crushes home runs but it just as easily could have been dunks or catching a pass thrown to him.  Playing at Notre Dame High School in Sherman Oaks (CA) the 6-foot 6-inch Stanton averaged 19.7 points and 13.5 rebounds a game while on the basketball court. 
In football he was a wide receiver and corner back, he was good enough to draw attention from Southern Cal.  Almost comical now he claims, ‘Baseball was my third favorite sport’, he said that giving us no indication if he favored football over basketball or vice versa.  Stanton probably found little down time between seasons, football to basketball and then baseball.  No need of locating his high school baseball numbers because that’s the sport he plays professionally.    
Key upcoming dates
July 1 NBA free-agent period begins
July 6 NBA moratorium ends free-agents can sign with new teams or re-sign with present teams
July 6 NBA Summer League begins
July 11-15 Adidas Gauntlet Finale and Peach Jam
                Recruiting Live Period
July 17 Summer League ends
July 25-27 Under Armour Association finals
September 7 Basketball Hall of Fame enshrinement
September 25 Earliest practice date for colleges
September _____ NBA training camps open
October 17 NBA season begins
November 6 College season begins 
There are additional dates not covered here, my plan for you to have as much information as possible to circle calendar dates.