Thursday, December 6, 2018

“Cash Cow”
For those unfamiliar with the term Cash Cow it simply denotes a thing that makes money or can make money.  We could term the NCAA basketball tournament a Cash Cow, why am I using it now.  NCAA president Mark Emmert indicates sanctions are coming for schools involved in the pay for play Adidas trial.  When will the punishment be rendered, I’m pleased you ask the question?  Mr. Emmert indicates after the 2019 tournament is completed.  Can you say it with me MONEY, MONEY and more MONEY? 
We hear the term mid-major however it has nothing to do with student enrollment at a college or university.  It’s been stated mid-majors compete and a number do successfully however they no longer win NCAA championships.  We must travel back in time to 1977 long before the term “mid-major” or “power conference” came into existence.  Marquette won that year, then the historic 1966 championship. 
Texas Western (now UTEP) with 5 black starters beat Kentucky with 5 white starters for the championship.  This single game accelerated racial progress in the southern portion of the nation at that time.  In 1961 and 1962 Cincinnati won back to back NCAA championships and 1963 witnessed last season’s darling team Chicago Loyola crowned champion.  That’s it, we could look even further however the basketball landscape was much different in the 1940’s and 1950’s than it was to become much later. 
I’m not a hater
If we check out the Western Conference standings, we see the Nuggets, Clippers and Thunder at the top of the heap.  The Warriors are no place to be found, well not quite they are in 4th place currently.  Guess what NBA fans I don’t believe this represents the standings we’ll see at the end of the season.  No doubt the Nuggets, Clippers and Thunder all are likely playoff bound.  The Warriors look vulnerable this season however don’t allow the caw-caw to distract you. 
Kevin Durant’s mad at Draymond Green, Green’s mad at Durant and Steve Kerr.  Steph’s been injured and has missed several games.  Klay Thompson might appear to be the only roster member not caught up in drama, in addition key Warrior reserves have missed time thus far.  We have no ability to see the future however this is my view.  The Warriors might not win the NBA championship they will contend for it.  There is no one team talented or seasoned enough to beat a healthy Warrior team.  Okay Rockets prove me wrong, I double-dog dare you. 
We just don’t know
Several folks including Kevin Durant claims, “LeBron may never get any help.”  The prevailing view among a vocal number the Lakers will never sign a free-agent to support the skillful shooting, defense and gamesmanship LeBron James brings to the table.  They use the example of Paul George and Kawhi Leonard both veteran players with impressive credentials passed on an opportunity to sign with the Lakers. 
An outstanding veteran player might indeed aid the hopes of the Lakers but what about developing the talent already in house?  How about Kyle Kuzma, Brandon Ingram or even Moe Wagner raising their play to All-Star level, it could occur all three have potential.  On the other hand, it might even be Lonzo Ball although his game might be insufficient if he remains a Laker.  This is written in December of 2018, by the time June rolls around we might see movement unknown now.