Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The president
Shareef Abdul Rahim had an 18-year NBA career, his best years might have been spent as a member of the Vancouver Grizzlies although he played for the Hawks, Blazers and Kings.  In 2008 he exchanged his basketball jersey for a suit and time and became a member of the Kings coaching staff.  His position as an assistant coach would lead to him becoming general manager of a G-League team.  He would move into the NBA front office as a vice-president of basketball operations and later vice-president of the G-League.  On December 11, 2018 Abdul Rahim was named president of the G-League succeeding Malcom Turner.  Good luck in your new job Mr. Abdul Rahim. 
The sky is not falling……
The above is a statement made when we believe a disaster might have been avoided.  A portion of California along the San Andreas fault could fall into the Pacific Ocean at any time due to an earthquake.  Based on recent history California is liable to suffer drastic forest fires more often than devastating earthquakes.  Disasters cannot always be predicted, we can prepare but sometimes we are caught off-guard. 
That’s often been the case for Mizzou basketball over the course of time.  As this is written Mizzou has 6 wins and 3 losses, the record could easily be 7-2.  Help is on the way next season plus the freshman become sophomores.  Listen up Mizzou fans stay strong; every time a tragedy occurs with the program it has nothing to do with a jinx or hex.  Sorry I don’t believe in them and you shouldn’t either, I’m convinced how about you?
He’s how tall? 
The opening dialogue from the 1950’s television series Superman.             
Faster than a speeding bullet.
More powerful than a locomotive.
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound
Look! Up in the sky!
It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s Superman
They might not be quite that fast or powerful and they don’t leap tall buildings.  That don’t leap tall buildings, but they are as tall as some buildings.  The late Manute Bol standing 7 foot 7 inches might have been the first, later George Muresan standing the same height as Bol entered the NBA. In 2002 the Rockets made Yao Ming the first Chinese player drafted number one in the NBA, Ming stood 7 feet 5 inches.  The latest Tall Guy to arrive is 7-foot 7-inch Robert Bobroczky who plays at Aspire Academy, this is certainly no indication of his basketball prowess just his size.   
The NHL in Seattle 
The National Hockey League is headed to the Pacific Northwest in 2020, can the NBA be far behind?  That question is unknown at this point, the NBA appears in no hurry to expand.  There is no question on the building, Key Arena is about to undergo what amounts to a massive re-build.  Interesting in that Kevin Durant indicates he’d like to become an NBA owner and more specifically in Seattle.  For those who were too young or forgot Durant was drafted by the Seattle Sonics, he played his rookie year in the Emerald City.  His second year saw the team move to Oklahoma City and re-branded as the Thunder. 
It’s likely should the NBA expand at least two teams (for balance) will be added, the NBA would become a 32-team league.  It’s been far too many years to determine why the Sonics were purchased and moved.  This I do remember from the time-period no local ownership group stepped forward, at that point Clay Bennett’s group stepped forward and purchased the franchise.  As for which city might be awarded team 32 there are several viable candidates, outside the U.S. might be Montreal Canada, Mexico City.  Within the borders it becomes a little sketchy, it could be Louisville, Richmond, Albuquerque or wait for it……Kansas City.  I’ve read reports indicating Austin Texas might be under consideration, but I cannot see adding a 4th team in Texas.