Sunday, May 19, 2019

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

You will not hear his name
Next month June 20 to be exact you will not hear his name, Kevin Puryear will not be a first or second round NBA draft choice.  This Mizzou Tigers basketball career might have concluded although there is the possibility of Europe.  Puryear chose Mizzou to play basketball when he could likely have gone another route, he might have played on more winning teams. 
Rather than transfer during a down time he endured.  This Kansas City metro youngster has graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Sports Management.  Where that degree takes him is unclear currently.  In an age of one and done athletes its refreshing to read or hear of one who personifies the true term student-athlete.  Good luck Kevin wherever your life journey takes you. 
My barber is correct
He informed me the top three picks in the draft are the same, its four on down that begin the difference.  Sure, enough he’s correct, list contains the names of Zion Williamson, Ja Morant and R.J. Barrett.  We check and it contains the same three names, number four is where a departure is noted. 
The Lakers pick Virginia’s DeAndre Hunter at four on while has them choosing Jarrett Culver of Texas Tech.  If we check the 2018 mock draft by we discover it pretty much coincides with the actual draft.  Is this a deep draft like 2018, only time will tell?  Anytime the question is raised I’m always reminded of the anonymous NBA scout’s statement.  He claimed, “You cannot fully assess any draft until three years later.” It will be 2022 before we can evaluate this draft using his method. 
Who replaces him?
Correction nobody replaces John Beilein at Michigan.  Rather we might state who is hired in his place?  The University of Michigan like several other schools a national search will be conducted to hire a new head coach.  One of the names mentioned surprised me, Juwan Howard.  Howard had a long career in the NBA and has been serving as an assistant coach.  Oh, I failed to mention Howard played for Michigan and was a member of the Fab Five.  Interesting in that ESPN’s Jalen Rose is one of the cheerleaders for Howard, Rose was a former teammate and a member of the Fab Five.  He might not be hired however it appears Howard is ready to move up to the first chair. 
I try
The best team doesn’t always win in a playoff series.  Over the course of my lifetime I’ve witnessed several instances I believe the lesser team won.  That fails to take away from the winner.  The Raptors-Bucks series is far from over however I cannot help but think this is the fanbase prior to this series.  “LeBron’s in the West and we’ve got Kawhi we should be able to play for the championship.” 
With 59 regular season wins in LeBron’s last season with the Cavs and 58 this past season it’s easy to understand why Raptor Nation might have concluded “This is our year.”  Easy now before you Raptor fans become too upset, I didn’t say this series was over far from it.  Just allow me to state I’m a little surprised to see them in an O-2 hole.  Well shall see what occurs Sunday evening in Toronto I don’t know about you but I can’t wait.  
Talking heads
Most times our television view is chest up so that’s why I often use the term talking head.  We can see more than the head in a camera shot but usually not much more.  At the time Skip Bayless left ESPN’s First Take I was unsure who would replace him.  For me the departed one was more a football guy than anything.  He discussed basketball on the program and continues the trend on his Fox Sports program. 
I’ve found him to be opinionated but not very credible when a discussion focuses on basketball.  Max Kellerman, what can I say a boxing aficionado attempting to fill a void? I didn’t see or hear this, but a friend informed me Kellerman had an interesting take on the State of the Lakers.  It’s Kellerman’s opinion the Lakers are where they are due to Kobe Bryant.  According to Kellerman “they overpaid him which curtailed the team’s effort to sign free-agents.”