Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

The decision
R.J. Hampton the last remaining uncommitted 5-star prospect in the Class of 2019 announced his choice.  The 6-foot 5-inch point guard narrowed his college list to Memphis, Kansas and Texas Tech.  This morning prior to Hampton’s decision I guessed it would either be Memphis or Kansas.  The youngster fooled all of us based on his choice, he’s headed to New Zealand to play for the Breakers of the National Basketball League.   

Although coaches and fans of the three schools might be displeased the move makes sense on several levels.  We read Hampton was likely a one and done player so this way he’s not taking up classroom space for a student.  What better method to prepare yourself for the pro level than to play the game (and get paid)?  There are no details as this is written but more than likely this will be a 1-year contract, expect to see his name in the 2020 NBA draft. 
The Swoosh
Ja Morant has a shoe deal in place, this feat occurred despite the fact Morant’s has no NBA team at least until June 19.  Nike signed the projected 2019 number two pick to a multi-year contract.  According to reports this will be no change for Morant since he wore Nikes at Murray State, as for the monetary details of the contract they were not revealed.  Morant made this statement on his Instagram account, “All my life my parents worked for a check.  Now I’m proud to say I work for the check.” It’s being reported Morant is the first athlete in the 2019 draft to sign a shoe deal. 
Lay the hammer down
Mike Brey holds another job other than men's basketball coach at Notre Dame.  He’s also president of the National Association Basketball Coaches board of directors.  Brey went on the record recently, “he challenged schools to be more aggressive in firing coaches who violate NCAA and school rules.”  We have acknowledged several times cheating of some sort exists.  In most instances the athlete is punished and sometimes the school. 
Often the coach is last on the list facing a possible penalty.  During daily, weekly and monthly routine a coach cannot be on top of everything that’s where the coaching staff aids. In the wake of the Adidas trial to date several assistants have been fired so even there the head coach must truly take the lead by ensuring they are accountable.  Sin by omission rather than commission, in other words in trouble because of oversight not intentional. 
I almost never offer an opinion on the amount of money an athlete might be earning.  The same goes for entertainers, government officials even working-class folks earning more than me.  I DO HAVE A PROBLEM if the organization you run appears dysfunctional which is the NCAA in my view.  We know some of the issues the NCAA has dealt with over the past 3-5years.  Despite the apparent internal and operational issues, they felt good enough about president Mark Emmert to raise his salary 60%.  Emmert’s salary was increased from $2.4 million to a reported $3.9 million a year. 
How old is too old?
I don’t know this to be a fact, I’ve read western cultures tend to put you out to pasture by a certain age.  On the other hand, it’s just the opposite with eastern culture, they tend to revere age.  They must equate age with wisdom we might suppose.  By the time you read this Jerry West either will turn 80-years of age or be days from it. 
The celebrity of West has probably exceeded his playing days at this point in his life, besides the fact most fans have only seen film of him in action.  The man remains vital as a consultant in the Clippers organization, how valuable the Lakers dropped a hint hoping he would return “home”.  His resume as a player is far too extensive to do him justice in this short account, let’s just say he’s enshrined in the College and Naismith Hall of Fame.